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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Gilgad Gilgad 07/17/13 good buyer he bought a pin Nicholas Nicholas
Nicholas Nicholas 07/17/13 Sold him a few mill. Smooth as fresh ice :) FortMinor FortMinor
Anon Anon 07/17/13 Bought 18m from him, quickest trade I've ever had thanks :) FortMinor FortMinor
Nicholas Nicholas 07/17/13 Bought RS Pin, quick and easy, i went first Gilgad Gilgad
Sponsor Sponsor 07/17/13 Very Professional and Trustworthy Seller! I will be buying again razz28 razz28
razz28 razz28 07/17/13 Sold him Range Pure account, he went first! Sponsor Sponsor
Platinum Platinum 07/17/13 Middlemanned 5m Trade, went smooth & fast! Dylann Dylann
Dylann Dylann 07/17/13 middlemanned a 5m trade for my thanks! Platinum Platinum
Legendary Legendary 07/17/13 Great guy, He bought a pin, he went first! Sponsor Sponsor
Sponsor Sponsor 07/17/13 Great Seller, Legit sold me a pin very easy. Legendary Legendary
Stark Stark 07/17/13 Taking costumers suggestions seriously and very helpful with script. gorf134 gorf134
shawnrep1 shawnrep1 07/17/13 Sold him a signature, very nice patient guy! Guest Guest
Guest Guest 07/17/13 Bought a sig, took no more then 2 hours; awesome! shawnrep1 shawnrep1
Rick Rick 07/17/13 Swapped 5M OSGP for EOC - flawless trade, thanks! Skype Skype
Skype Skype 07/17/13 thanks, smooth and legit. nice guy. Rick Rick
stephensking stephensking 07/17/13 Sold about 7M OSGP - very nice & smooth trade, thanks! Skype Skype
Skype Skype 07/17/13 amazing and quick! very trustable spent 25$ stephensking stephensking
MuayThai MuayThai 07/17/13 Sold 2M OSGP - trade went smooth! Skype Skype
Skype Skype 07/17/13 Sold him 2m, went smooth, thank you. MuayThai MuayThai
TossPot TossPot 07/17/13 Sold him 30M! H44x H44x
HellenWong HellenWong 07/17/13 Sold 2m went smooth, ty! MuayThai MuayThai
MuayThai MuayThai 07/17/13 bought gold ,trade smoothly , ty HellenWong HellenWong
Reinis Reinis 07/17/13 Sold him a pin 2.6m, and bought a Steam account from him earlier, good buyer!!! Nicholas Nicholas
Nicholas Nicholas 07/17/13 Vouch for Nick, he is trusted and awesome. I just bought member and i sold him Reinis Reinis
Divica Divica 07/17/13 Wonderfull trading, Would like to do more trading in the future! Rabbit Rabbit
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