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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 09/06/13 good mm 07Merchant 07Merchant
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 09/06/13 mm'ed for 15m great guy falabella falabella
Divica Divica 09/06/13 Bought 2 memberships was very quick and helpful wtflacrosse wtflacrosse
Sean123 Sean123 09/06/13 BOUGHT 15M VIA PAYPAP, VERY NICE AND EASY!!! splashingly1 splashingly1
Divica Divica 09/06/13 MM A 15M TRADE, VERY FRIENDLY AND EASY TO WORK WITH! splashingly1 splashingly1
lukrecijus lukrecijus 09/06/13 Bought a pin for 1950k MattCC MattCC
MattCC MattCC 09/06/13 sold a pin lukrecijus lukrecijus
Wu Tang Cummins Wu Tang Cummins 09/06/13 sold him 2m eoc lolmanden lolmanden
Violent Violent 09/06/13 sold him 2m eoc lolmanden lolmanden
Prefraud Prefraud 09/06/13 Did mm for him, gonna quest for him more too, thanks! Mackadizzle Mackadizzle
Mackadizzle Mackadizzle 09/06/13 did mm on my 1 prayer staker, he's doing lost city now. thanks Prefraud Prefraud
flaxspinner flaxspinner 09/06/13 Bought his method for 20m. Working fine Fisk4rn Fisk4rn
07Merchant 07Merchant 09/06/13 Sold him 14m, great trader :) Deffiliate Deffiliate
Tufan Tufan 09/06/13 sold him a 30 day upgrade for 07gp ty Divica Divica
Divica Divica 09/06/13 Went First, Very Trusted, Trade went smooth! Tufan Tufan
The tank The tank 09/06/13 Chargedback, goodluck with the legal battle Zoran Kole Scekic Divica Divica
the old night the old night 09/06/13 sold me 15m 07Merchant 07Merchant
07Merchant 07Merchant 09/06/13 Sold him 14m, he went first, flawless trade! the old night the old night
lukrecijus lukrecijus 09/06/13 ty Mike078 Mike078
Mike078 Mike078 09/06/13 sold pin lukrecijus lukrecijus
the old night the old night 09/06/13 sold him 10m. fast and easy. recommended. I went first. youngdune youngdune
Divica Divica 09/06/13 bought pin fast easy took 2 mins for 3.5m ItzDennis ItzDennis
ItzDennis ItzDennis 09/06/13 sold him a 30 day upgrade for 07gp ty Divica Divica
lukrecijus lukrecijus 09/06/13 nice guy. Amber Heard Amber Heard
Amber Heard Amber Heard 09/06/13 Sold a pin. everything went nice lukrecijus lukrecijus
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