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  1. 10k

    Fruity NMZ

    Hey Fruity, could I request a trial? Also, does it support starting dreams on its own or do you have to start inside? Thnx!
  2. Agreed to your TOS. Requested, Mountain Daughter, Tree gnome, lost city, fight arena, vampire slayer). Animal mag + prequests, druidic ritual, cooks assistant, goblin diplomacy, sheep shearer, digsite, fishing contest, plague city, waterfall. 10 herblore Items to be bought by you 50/50 payment. Thnx!
  3. Looking to get nmz quests done in my pure, you available for this?
  4. 10k

    Firemaking script?

    Is there a free firemaking script anywhere and if not whats the best premium one? Thnx!
  5. 10k


    Hey, I bought this script a while back, few months maybe, and its disappeared from my script list for some reason? Is this because you made a new version a something? o.O
  6. Hey, what would you say is the best combat script about atm, factoring in ban rate, levels, etc? I'm generally taking about an AIO fighter but wouldn't mind any specific fighters if they're good enough. Thanks!
  7. As most of us might bot overnight, I was wondering if anyone knew roughly how much it costs to run your pc overnight, in a 10 hour period or per hour? I know it will vary based on your computer/energy supplier etc but just on average how much does it cost to run and charge your pc? Thanks
  8. Quests: about 15 or so! Agree to ToS: of course Agree to agreement on skype/pm (if there was one): yup
  9. I'd rather you added stamina support xD
  10. Price check my pure please, I never use it. 2 day ban in February (not botted or played on since) Untradeables: All good books Bearhead Seers ring (i) Rune pouch Fire cape Thanks
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