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Prison Break

Trade With Caution
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  1. Noooo where was it in the first place? You should change it from AIO to ABO (All Bar One) ;)
  2. I got a trial, didnt use it. BUT I've just purchased it and I cant find the Make Tar options?
  3. not that I can see, it kinda does works sometimes without issue, then sometimes it will totally avoid it.
  4. Hey, when using it, sometimes it doesn't use the rock cake. thus going in, getting -50hp for overload and just ignoring the rock cake? any ideas?
  5. Yeah, I'll find out if it gets accepted or not. Deal is vicfre will wipe 90% of my debt (47m - 90% = 4.7m will be owed) and RuneScape said he will pay Vicfre the other 5m meaning if this recovery is successful I will owe nothing to Vicfre. again, detailed recovery MIGHT work, providing both agree not to try and recover the account (until I've had a few recovery attempts on the account)
  6. Can I get a trial of this please (also posted on the fletch script too)
  7. Yo, remember when you gave me that auth for like a few months because of the airorb not being on AIO magic? Can I get this authed again please?
  8. So I've done nothing wrong right, yet I have to repay someone an 'amount' of money for something I didn't do. I'll refund 2m for the account which is what Vicfre paid. then everyone can fuck off.
  9. I don't. Nothing more to say on that one. I gave him the info, whether it was on skype, rs when I was trading the money with him or via voice on the call shortly after. I deffo gave him the info. he keeps posting my fucking email too. ALSO. he mentions that I wouldn't give him access to the original email.. that's becuase its my university student login and all my university stuff and paypal stuff etc etc goes to that email. He had the account for however long he had it. says he never put recovery info on. asks how could he recover it when he doesn't have my IP. My IP is in the JAG area on the account. All this is bullshit. Again I'm getting fucked over for being a chump....
  10. I don't have a clue? I gave Vic all the info from back when I sold it months ago like like I'm sure I gave ALL of it, prev recoveries? passwords, transaction info the lot.... I've got my account I'm trying to sort... Like how childish ffs, hold on... let me set an email up for Vicfredickhead@@Live.nl or outlook.nl, and I'll change my account to it and then say he scammed me and then his email is: v for VICFRE and NL - because hes from NL?
  11. I don't even know where to start. I've been busy the past few days because my mam is ILL.... I've hardlys been on scape.... Decode, you know about the whole recovery thing where I'd supposedly took 20m, you said any issues to come back to you.... Now I'm supposed to have recovered the account, changed it to my email again to scam it again when I'm busy IRL.... AND the fact that the email is N then @ . uk? wtf is that shit... I can make an email saying vicfrecunt@@Live.nl (NL BECAUSE HES FROM NL)... I've been part of this community for a few years, yeah fair enough not active, I'm building my rep up by doing shitty jobs for shitty money to gain the trust and then this bullshit. So the guy who sold him money can prove he was MM for the trade... so he couldn't have traded that off after? Decode you had access to the account after, you said the account was full of junk. I can easily go and make a new email and get an .nl and say it's vicfre. all the evidence is bullshit and it's a fucking joke that I've been accused again.
  12. I like to pick things wrong 1; it's missing the amount of points earned / total points. 2, a big one for me. if for example it's trying to attack something outside a gate but then the gate gets closed it will click again and moonwalk / run all the way around the map to the next open gate to try and attack that monster. Maybe change it to where if target is more than 10/15 tiles away find new monster to attack? Also I'll trial green drag script if you want i fancy getting banned :P
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