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Trade With Caution
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About qarielq

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    Calisthenics, MMA, and 07 RS ofc:)

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  1. Upping price to 1.97/m , only valid from 24 hours from this post
  2. Leave reply on topic or pm me on osbot. You will go first. Urgently need the gold and looking for fast trades, will be buying from boogla if I don't get any offers.
  3. does it support house tabs? So i can move my house to relleka for faster trips
  4. would be awesome! thanks!
  5. Can you make it so it hops worlds when x amount of people are nearby? Some people set cannon to try to crash me
  6. Script is unstable for me. After 15mins found myself inside the cage spinning the camera. Running mirror mode btw
  7. Next time before u report others use your brain. More reports on a script ~ Jagex looking closer for patterns. You try to get others banned then you cry when the same thing happened to you. Lmfao, karma bitch.
  8. I notice it only attacks the same particular ogre after some time. When it kills a ogre it doesn't attack any other ogres but waits for the same one to respawn and kills it again. This is lowering my xp rate alot. I'm running on mirror mode with anti ban
  9. Happens to me also. running mirror mode
  10. Maxed 85attack zerker, probs over 1.5bill on it banned, would like this :P
  11. Let me test and I'll give an estimate how mcuh you can sell it for :P
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