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OSBot opens as a folder on mac now, previously I could just double click on the jar file and it would open.


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show us a gif of it 


show us a gif of it 

EDIT: right  click it 'get info' and check what it says about it lol like does it say it's a java app?


then after that  close the get info interface and right click it again 'open with' and look for  jar launcher. If it's not there, click other and search for it it should be somewhere on ur mac unless u deleted it

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Right click, get info, standard program to open with, what does it say?


Its coming up as a ZIP Archive

show us a gif of it 


EDIT: right  click it 'get info' and check what it says about it lol like does it say it's a java app?


then after that  close the get info interface and right click it again 'open with' and look for  jar launcher. If it's not there, click other and search for it it should be somewhere on ur mac unless u deleted it


Yeah Java Launcher isn't there for some reason, is it possible it got deleted when I updated the OS?

Right click -> View Properties -> Change the file it opens with to Java


Java isn't showing up for some reason?

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Its coming up as a ZIP Archive

That means you're not opening it with java. 

Make sure you have it installed, then right click the osbot file -> open with -> if it has java in there select that, if it doesn't select other.. and navigate to where java was installed (/java/jdk.versionnumber/bin/java)

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Its coming up as a ZIP Archive


Yeah Java Launcher isn't there for some reason, is it possible it got deleted when I updated the OS?


Java isn't showing up for some reason?


Set it to Java; if you don't have that option.


--> System preferences --> Java --> Update/install

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Thanks that worked. But is there  a fix for this problem, the only fix was that downloadable .exe file which wont run on a mac?


You will need to set the default application for .jar files as Java.


If found this post on the internet, perhaps it will work for you (Sorry I do not use mac os)


1. Click once on the .jar file in the Finder.

2. From the menubar in the Finder select File -> Get Info".

3 Click on "Open with" and from the popup menu.

4. Select "Jar Launcher", which is built into OS X.

5. Whenever you double click on the .jar file the program will start.

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You will need to set the default application for .jar files as Java.


If found this post on the internet, perhaps it will work for you (Sorry I do not use mac os)


1. Click once on the .jar file in the Finder.

2. From the menubar in the Finder select File -> Get Info".

3 Click on "Open with" and from the popup menu.

4. Select "Jar Launcher", which is built into OS X.

5. Whenever you double click on the .jar file the program will start.


Nah it doesn't show up. I'll have a look around. Thanks for the help mate!

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Nah it doesn't show up. I'll have a look around. Thanks for the help mate!


You're welcome. If you don't find a reasonable solution such as Jar Launcher, you can always create a shell script to open OSBot for you:


Step 1) Save this in a file called osbot.command:

find ~/ -name "OSBot*.jar" -print0 | xargs -0 ls -t | head -n 1 | xargs -I{} java -jar {}

Step 2) Make the file executable. To do this you will need to open up Terminal and type:

chmod u+x /path/to/where/you/put/the/script/osbot.command

Step 3) Double click the osbot.command file and it should open OSBot 

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You're welcome. If you don't find a reasonable solution such as Jar Launcher, you can always create a shell script to open OSBot for you:


Step 1) Save this in a file called osbot.command:

find ~/ -name "OSBot*.jar" -print0 | xargs -0 ls -t | head -n 1 | xargs -I{} java -jar {}

Step 2) Make the file executable. To do this you will need to open up Terminal and type:

chmod u+x /path/to/where/you/put/the/script/osbot.command

Step 3) Double click the osbot.command file and it should open OSBot 

Maybe he doesnt have java

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