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Dispute against Pak A Yak Newb


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Dispute against: Pak A Yak Newb

Osbot profile: http://osbot.org/forum/user/153440-pak-a-yak-newb/


What happend is i bougt an acc with halo and cw top, i didnt think about it, so i didnt change pass just yet, everything went smooth but some days later when i logged onto the account my 51m wealth was gone, i asked him about this and what happend is that he wrote this to me: XbxK2Q2.png


and then this: JBHOy5U.png



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How do we go about getting rid of the TWC? I understand why I was brought into this being one that's done 2 services for him. He's suppose to change pass after every service as in my TOS, but he's trusted me with a lot and I've yet to touch that. Why would I do that now when I've spent $100s on vouchers\vip\gp? Please figure this out and let me know, I've stopped all my sales as of now.


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guaranteed wasn't me. + if i was going to hack one account, wouldn't i hack all 3 i sold in the same day :???:


Definitely his fault not mine.


+ i gave him original password - unregistered email, all i could do now is give him my ip address which i'd rather not, but will if i have to.


Yeah i blocked him for being interrupting me while doing zulrah. i could tell he wasn't gunna stop either.


If the account is truly hacked, if someone can explain to me what details i give to claim it back from jagex, then i'll do so.


But why should i is the point. i sold it, so it's his responsibility to keep it safe.

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Clearly this newb lied to me, said i was the only one who knew the password, 


Which from what i gather reading this is wrong,


Further more, who doesn't change the original pass i gave them + add email as soon as they buy the account? Which is why i deleted login details immediately. Meaning once i forgot the login (which i have) i couldn't touch it.


Your also an idiot for leaving 50m on the account, i've done plenty of services for people and only use 500k-1m


Being 2 trusty gets you stabbed in the back. 


Why would i be creating more of the same account (nearly ready to sell) if i'd already hacked yours back? 


I would happily show staff this too.. Skype: Facebook:idropui - linked on my profile.


This has been an insult. 


~Pak a yak newb.

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i'm furious at the stupidity of this guy, logic says once account is bought with no registered email and original pass, that you make an email, and change the original pass.


to not do that, then give it to a complete newb with 50m on it?


Why should i not be angry about being given twc for something i didn't do..


This guy also lied to me on Skype saying he gave the pass to no-one, i don't like liars.


Dispute who'm ever else u gave the password 2 and fuck of cunt.


I deleted the login details straight away and continued creating more of the account to sell. this dispute is doing nothing but making me look bad, and i'm some what annoyed. it's not my fault u were completely ignorant and stupid. if you'd of changed the pass / email, and then tried to log in and found out the pass was changed then that'd be a different story, INSTEAD U DID THE RETARTED THING, AND BRANG ME INTO RUBBISH OVER A 17M TRADE.




and my twc removed and dispute closed :kappa:

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i've instructed the buyer "xdownsall" to dispute who'm ever he gave the password to for service purposes, he needs to dispute them immediately as i had deleted details believing he created email and changed the original password to his liking - i showed that i'm also creating more of the original account with items "halo-ranged top" via Skype screen share.


I've asked this dispute to be closed for me as i had no clue what was going on at the time and have offered as much help i believe possible.


It's also quite clear that if the email / password were created and changed that i could not be held accountable unless the password came back as ( invalid username or password), which the buyer has apologised for. "Because had he of changed it, it'd of been clear that it was i who'd done it as i'd of had to hack it back, which i never would"


I will be changing my account selling thread to clearly state, "you must create the email and change the password upon purchase" to prevent any more disputes against me.


The issue remains that who'm ever has taken his 50m "which user stated was a bad idea to leave on his account" is still at large so yeah, i've instructed him to multi-way dispute any member or service provider who had access to the account after it was sold.


I have wished him the best of luck on finding who actually did take his 50m, even though we all have our theories.


I will happily screen share the creation of the same accounts i sold him via Skype and will also show my Skype chat logs between user "xdownsall" and i - as my screenshot function no longer works, or i can't seem to figure it out.


I stated that i had no reason to hack an account worth 17m in the screenshot above because my osbot account is worth more, which it is. "Which ultimately leads back to asking why would i hack the account" Here's the reasons why i wouldn't.  1) believing the email is created - password changed 2) creating the same accounts which i was intending to sell within this coming week, 3) i sold 3 accounts in the space of 3 days, all details deleted + no other formal disputes, 4) this should clearly tell you that it was who'm ever he let do services on the account.


if more info is needed please state so.


P.S i'm well aware my layout is rusty. :'P




~ Pak A Yak Newb.

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