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9 hours ago, famouzrs said:

well no one has legit "crashed me yet" but say if i go to a spot that i picked but someone is already there and my status will switch to world hop it will take 3 steps over then just gets stuck on "swittching worlds" doesnt move the mouse try to hop or anything i need someone to crassh me and see if it hops

i didnt see anything in the consel just get stuck on trying to switch worlds with no error but its when i start the script and someone is already at my spot

8 hours ago, famouzrs said:



someone crashed me this is all that happens

8 hours ago, famouzrs said:

its bro its bugged no errors just wont hop

8 hours ago, famouzrs said:

just logs out from afk then logs in same world same process


Replied to your PM also. My hunch is that this is something to do with the client worldhopping code getting stuck with that particular resizeable layout. It might be more reliable if you use the fixed window game mode. Try this?


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19 minutes ago, krissa said:

so ive been using this script and for some reason, after a certain time it just logs out the script is still running but im logged off. has happened quite a few times and its frustrating.... 


Maybe your account is being logged out from inactivity? I'm not sure. I don't think this has anything to do with the script though, if I understood you correctly? If not, please could you describe in a little more detail what happens that you are not expecting!


14 minutes ago, douchebagz said:

Also having issues with worldhop. Will move to safe spot and sit on 'hopping worlds' 

Nothing showing in logs. Happens on 2 seperate accounts.

Was working one of my other accounts earlier today, will try on that account later today and see if it experiences the same issues.


Thanks for letting me know. It is worth noting that the world hopping code is all handled by OSBot as the script does not have access to your login details. With that said, there could be a few things causing this, which I will list below:

  • Mirror mode - Are you using it? Sometimes it is less reliable than Stealth Injection, so i'd strongly encourage switching to SI.
  • Resizeable mode - OSBot only recently started supporting resizeable mode, so as a result it might not be as reliable as fixed mode. Switch to the fixed game mode for a smoother experience.

If you're running the Fixed game mode in Stealth injection, and this issue continues to occur, please let me know and i'll submit a client bug report if necessary.



Edited by Apaec
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I am using mirror mode with fixed size in all clients.


I will test with the account that world hop was working in earlier today and come back to you. I am not too keen to use stealth injection and will avoid if possible


I Appreciate the prompt reply 


Edit: I should add that the script opens the world switch menu then just hovers over a world and does nothing more 

Edited by douchebagz
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26 minutes ago, Apaec said:


Maybe your account is being logged out from inactivity? I'm not sure. I don't think this has anything to do with the script though, if I understood you correctly? If not, please could you describe in a little more detail what happens that you are not expecting!



Thanks for letting me know. It is worth noting that the world hopping code is all handled by OSBot as the script does not have access to your login details. With that said, there could be a few things causing this, which I will list below:

  • Mirror mode - Are you using it? Sometimes it is less reliable than Stealth Injection, so i'd strongly encourage switching to SI.
  • Resizeable mode - OSBot only recently started supporting resizeable mode, so as a result it might not be as reliable as fixed mode. Switch to the fixed game mode for a smoother experience.

If you're running the Fixed game mode in Stealth injection, and this issue continues to occur, please let me know and i'll submit a client bug report if necessary.



The thing is, im using the bot so it wouldnt be from being inactive, so im not sure whats going on. it just logs me off but the scrip continues to run . 

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3 minutes ago, FuryShark said:

My account logs out too. Then it logs in and resets the crabs, but that that time ive already been crashed ?


also when paint is on i go from 50 fps to 8

I also drop ridiculous amounts of fps down to 7 from 50, only on a virtual machine and only this script. On an actual pc I drop but Only down to 16

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