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APA Sand Crabs


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Again, another progress update!

I spent the whole day working on the script - I think it's almost finished!!! Here's what I added today:

  • Gaussian-randomised food eating threshold slider on ui
  • Gathered all data for all locations
  • Implemented delay before refresh
  • Added safe-breaking - the script will walk to a safe place approximately 2 minutes before a client-configured break starts. It will then kill any attacking sand crabs and wait patiently for the break to start. This ensures you successfully log out for the break.
  • Added three new anti-crash modes:
    • Hop if crashed - if your spot has been crashed, the script will hop worlds until it finds an empty world.
    • Force attack if crashed - the script will stand its ground, attacking all sand crabs that pop up in the location. At some point i'm sure the crasher will give up!
    • Stop if crashed - if your spot has been crashed, the script will head to safety and stop.
  • Updated the ui to accomodate all these new features
  • Added text tool-tips to all components on the startup Gui so that there is never any ambiguity as to what exactly an option does.

I'm currently working on random movements, which will hopefully be a step up from what they are currently. After that, I will spend tomorrow soak-testing configurations and locations, adding final tweaks, and then probably pushing the release for moderation before it goes live!!!

Stay tuned (:


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26 minutes ago, frankiz1 said:

Sick man!, can i have a trial? id like to test it before buying.

Hey, sure thing. I've started your 24h trial now, although since the re-write is not yet live, you will get a false impression of what the script would be like should you choose to buy it. Because of this, once the re-write is confirmed live (hopefully fingers crossed in the next two days or so), I will give you a fresh 24h trial so you can check out the latest revision!


Edit: Apologies, I wrote this before checking the trial backlog; it seems you've already had a trial quite recently, as a result I cannot give you access now but I will still re-instate access to the script for you once the newest version is live!

Edited by Apaec
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3 hours ago, Wedemboyss said:

How long does it take to have the bot on my osbot application? I puchased it

Heya! Normally it should be instant, or near enough. That is, unless you paid via e-cheque, which can take up to a week to process. I would say that if it's still not there and you didn't pay with e-cheque, you should contact @Maldesto and explain the situation.

Thanks! (:


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...A week of developing, hours of testing and almost 50 java classes later, APA Sand Crabs V3.0 has been pushed to OSBot and is awaiting SDN approval!

Hopefully the new version will be live for you guys to check out within the next 24h, assuming everything goes smoothly. Check the front page for a list of features the new version will offer!



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4 minutes ago, EPLS said:

This was the first script I've purchased from OSBot and it's by far the most solid. Does exactly what you want it to do without error (except for running out of ammo with ranged weapons) and I haven't been banned once on multiple accounts.

Awesome to hear, hopefully with the new version around the corner, it will be even better! (Oh, and it will take you to the bank and stop safely if you run out of ammo/runes now!)



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