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On 1/20/2019 at 1:31 AM, Kdog473 said:

Started script at the bank, it goes straight to the audio settings saying they aren't set so it tries to configure them and stops. I let it sit there for three minutes. I stopped the script and set them myself to max, reset hot keys, default zoom and fixed screen. It still stays stuck on the settings tab and doesn't move.

I stopped the script, went into the fight caves and it did everything up to around wave 59 without an issue and got stuck on the side of a wall. I stopped the script, moved it on the other side of the room, started it back, and had to repeat this process all the way to wave 62. Wave 63 started, it turned off all prayer even with the sounds on. Script seems broken when configuring the sound.

Will check audio configurator - thanks. Not sure what might've happened at wave 59 and later; do you have the script log files still?

On 1/25/2019 at 8:02 PM, chipskylark1 said:

this looks unbelievable. is it still up to date ?

Aye, should be. Though there might be an issue with the audio configurator - so enable audio by yourself to be certain I suppose

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Honestly can't recommend this script. My alt (which i bot with) got banned a for one day. Since I run other scripts on that account I assumed it was the amount I've botted that got me the hammer.

Now I ran the script on my main which I've never botted on and next day ban hammer ( for one day thank god). Accounts were created and played on from different ip's from creation. 

Script works well but the banrate is just obnoxious imo. 

Do they remove the fire cape on ban though? 


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8 hours ago, tk0 said:

people getting banned, please share your settings.

Used quick start on my alt (which i used other bots on as well) banned after 1 day for 1 day, my main i never have botted used multi-way player flickering for one attempt, got the cape and banned next day for 1 day. Again don't risk this on anything you are willing to loose, ban rate is really high with this script becouse of the static walking which obviously vulnerable for pattern detection. No real player does fight caves with exactly the same positioning EVERY time, with perfect multi-way prayer flickering or even without player flickering.. You're better off watching a guide and trying yourself as far as i can tell.

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I've used this script in the past for a firecape, I only ever had a problem with it once I started going for a pet. Are the people who are having issues using quick start? Are they baby-sitting the script? I know the one guy said he had multi-way flicking on which I know isn't a common skill for the average rs player in the first place so that alone probably sets off some red flags. Has anyone actually been beaned while using a custom setup if it's only 1 attempt?

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