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Well, It's certainly possible. I am however working on different projects now, so I don't think I'll have the time for it anytime soon unsure.png

I think there was a jad helper somewhere on the forums, though? The only thing this lite version would add to that is safespot evaluation I suppose, which I dont really think would make a great deal of a difference


is this fully working as want to purchase

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Hey just bought the script and ran it for the first time, a couple issues with the mage units though, the bot was running smoothly until it hit around wave 33 which is where it started to panic from the looks of it, it miss timed a couple pray switches between range and mage which i didnt really mind, but when i hit wave 35 it died to a single mage lizard, it healed to near full with brews but then it drank like 3 doses of super restore even though i was full prayer after the first sip and 2 straight doses of a range pot then kinda fucked its prayer flicking which had been working fine up til now and died on wave 35, just thought id say, but im gonna try go for another cape now

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Hey just bought the script and ran it for the first time, a couple issues with the mage units though, the bot was running smoothly until it hit around wave 33 which is where it started to panic from the looks of it, it miss timed a couple pray switches between range and mage which i didnt really mind, but when i hit wave 35 it died to a single mage lizard, it healed to near full with brews but then it drank like 3 doses of super restore even though i was full prayer after the first sip and 2 straight doses of a range pot then kinda fucked its prayer flicking which had been working fine up til now and died on wave 35, just thought id say, but im gonna try go for another cape now


It sounds like your ping might be slightly too high for prayer flicking, try without it.


EDIT: If you're gonna run prayer flicking again regardless, I'd recommend pinging a couple of worlds from different regions and select the one with lowest ping

Edited by FrostBug
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Yeah... Australian curse, minimum ping i can get on any world is around 230 aha, ill try without the prayer flicking, but it works with no issues when it comes to ranged units, solely for the mage units, makes me a lil scared of jad now

Oh one last thing though, the bot seems to get stuck if you're unlucky to be in the middle of 2 rangers when they spawn, it just sorta runs back and forward on the spot unsure of which one to attack

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Its not possible for a refund is it? The script isnt doing me any justice past wave 30 even with pray flicks turned off, bot must be a masochist, it stands in the open and lets everything attack it, Leaves mages to last which is good, but sometimes it prefers to kill the level 45 and 22 blobs over the rangers which makes it chug sara brews and restores like no tomorrow

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yeah same for me.

Would like a refund to purchase another script.

Im maxed and cant even achieve a cape.



Its not possible for a refund is it? The script isnt doing me any justice past wave 30 even with pray flicks turned off, bot must be a masochist, it stands in the open and lets everything attack it, Leaves mages to last which is good, but sometimes it prefers to kill the level 45 and 22 blobs over the rangers which makes it chug sara brews and restores like no tomorrow


Same for me from Australia server with 300+ ping. Couldn't do it on my computer, had to use a VPS but my Linux VPS doesn't work. So I registered a Windows VPS and finally gotten a cape. Hopefully, I don't have to use the windows vps anymore.


My Cheap Equipment (I had fury, archers ring and diamond bolt(e))



Did it on my noob account of mine




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Tried about 8 times on a zerker pure 40 def 75 + range, 44 prayer. out of those 8 tries i dced twice (have horrible internet), only made it to jad twice. Both times the prayer switches were perfect until the healers came out. Once the healers came out the bot would switch from melee, mage and ranged prayer but would get so caught up in switching and trying to attack the healers that it stops drinking super restores for prayer and eventually my prayer ran out twice and I died. What's going on? How can i get the bot to keep potting on Jad.

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Same for me from Australia server with 300+ ping. Couldn't do it on my computer, had to use a VPS but my Linux VPS doesn't work. So I registered a Windows VPS and finally gotten a cape. Hopefully, I don't have to use the windows vps anymore.


My Cheap Equipment (I had fury, archers ring and diamond bolt(e))



Did it on my noob account of mine





Im trying now again hopefully can achieve cape on my maxed main.

Wave 50 currently.


How many diamond bolts (e) you have?

Edited by Brooklyn
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