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For some reason i was running v163 las night. so it was outdated anyways. how strange. It takes really long for updates to be pushed right even if you fix them same day? Also, that tempalte..oh yh, im retarded man..i had so many problems in all spots that i had no will to creat templates for all of them haha

but again, i was running v163 so yh.

Mine still says V163 :/ and doesnt' eat food for loot or even bank when full, also all my problems are on stealth i have not tried mirrored

also im doing hill gaints edgeville dungeon and it doesn't use the key even though it's in my inventory it walks all the way around each time

Edited by tempesttheace
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Guys the new update is still pending for some reason sad.png Maybe christmas season is the reason for update delays sad.png


Current bugs (which are already fixed in the new update!!!)

- Script logs out when using darts/knives/any ranged thrown weapon because it thinks there is no ammo left (checks the arrows slot for arrows): temporary fix = equip some arrows even if not using arrows..

- safespotting sometimes walks out of safespot tile and doesn't return temporary workaround: none yet

- safespotting tries to walk away from safespot intentionally to make more npcs available (fixed in new update, mainly affects fire giants) temporary workaround: fight npcs inside a fence and enable unreachable mode

- sand crabs afk mode walks away each time (fixed, just waiting on update)

- Hill giants safespotting not working (read above, safespotting has been fixed already)

- Hill giants brass key isn't being used - will fix asap. (temporary workaround: enable the second or third walking option)


Bugs are always fixed it's just a matter of time biggrin.png Free 24h trials are always given too smile.png


As for 'eat for loot' option, the only thing that option does is eat when the inventory is full before trying to loot an item. If the script doesn't do that, confirm it. If you guys want the option to work differently, just say and there will be a new feature implemented ASAP.


The rest of the script should be fine, I will test hill giants brass key ASAP. Thanks for being patient guys, really appreciate it biggrin.png

Edited by Czar
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Yep fixed the gui condition, was easy fix biggrin.png


Guys, if using ranging with knives/darts/thrown weapons, equip some arrows (even though arrows are not used) so the script doesn't trigger to stop (just until the new update goes live) this is a temporary workaround for ranging with thrown weapons :D
Here is the complete update (v166) post in case others missed it: 

Hmm if the script is clicking attack multiple times before realizing the npc is in combat, there could be two solutions: if using VIP client, lower the reaction time from 1000ms to ~100ms so the client detects combat faster. Otherwise if not using VIP client, I will add an update to add a greater delay to clicking an npc (after attempting to attack npc, the script will wait a few more seconds)
As for hill giants, don't forget there is an option to set the safespot range limit in tiles, so the script will not attack npcs too far away. I'm really confused, so smart safespot is working, then it's not working? I will test hill giant safespotting again to make sure it works.
Guys if there are bugs that do not follow the bug report, it may take longer to fix them because time will be wasted on finding out how to make the bug happen, then fixing it. The bug report is on main thread  Most bugs don't need a real template, e.g. the interface bugs or the gp bug, but the hill giants bug report is extremely confusing
As for GP, update coming up, I need to figure out what's causing the gp to be added to the profit for no reason
New update (v166):
- Stop conditions interface fixed
- Added an update for ranging without using arrows (so darts, knives, etc) script will not stop anymore. Turn off ranged mode temporarily to still use the script with knives without the script stopping
- Added an extra failsafe for not returning to safespot tile, the priority is now very high
- Ardy zoo npcs have been fixed
There are multiple updates pending, shouldn't take too long hopefully  Reminder: safespotting has been fixed completely in v165 (last update), gdk has been added as a plugin in last update (v165), and a few other updates.

Edited by Czar
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Oh allright the update hasn't been released on sdn yet? :) well that explain it.


I remember another guy commenting on a bug on sandcrabs where it goes to bank back and forth. Just happened to me, not sure if it's fixed in the coming update but this is what it looks like. Also i read you said that it should log out when out of arrows/bolts. It has never done that for me, not with the bone bolts i've been using at least. Sometimes when i bring just enough bolts for 1-2hours i can find it 2,5hours later still trying to attack npc's without any bolts left in ammo slot. 

Gif of banking issue: http://imgur.com/a/RUkcy


Allthough i did have some items from my previous run on "bank item" that are no longer in my bank, so that could be what's making it confused?  But it had made several bank trips in the past couple of hours just fine.

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Hmm for sand crabs banking, make sure the inventory loadout (banking setup) doesn't have extra unnecessary items, e.g. arrows, loot, otherwise the script will make sure the exact inventory is matched and if there are no bank items for the loadout then the script will be confused. I may add a failsafe for this system or some type of warning message on the setup window.

As for bone bolts, I will extend the 'stop script when out of arrows' feature to all plugins, since the feature is only enabled for the full fighter script (not plugins). Should be added alongside the new update. biggrin.png

As for cannon, will add a new update for cannon decaying, update coming up biggrin.png

Also guys, edgeville hill giants with brass key has now been perfected for v166 biggrin.png

Since the thread is moving really fast: Guys, *NOTE: update v166 is still pending update* should be live today for sure, since it's been 2 days now. All script requests/bugs/suggestions within the last few pages have been implemented in the script. Please be patient guys, the new update is very well worth it. It's christmas season perhaps that's why updates are taking longer than usual.

Will be working on adding more new features now, e.g. the new sandcrabs island biggrin.png

Edited by Czar
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Gdk plugin doesn't work :(


This is the logger:

[INFO][01/01 10:53:13 AM]: Started script : Perfect Fighter
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:53:15 AM]: Loading GUI, low resources = true walk-setting = 1 mac mode = false!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:53:15 AM]: Item definitions loaded: 20799
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Dragon bones
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Green dragonhide
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Grimy irit leaf
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Grimy avantoe
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Grimy ranarr weed
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Grimy kwuarm
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Grimy lantadyme
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Grimy dwarf weed
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Nature rune
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Law rune
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Looting rare drop table items !
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_loot_value" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_price_target" changed to "2500"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_world_hop" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_world_hop_count" changed to "2"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_fight_index" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_deathwalk_mode" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_resupply_tile_x" changed to "3093"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_resupply_tile_y" changed to "3492"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_resupply_tile_z" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_dw_equip_slot_0" changed to "Rune_full_helm"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_dw_equip_slot_2" changed to "Amulet_of_glory(1)"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_dw_equip_slot_3" changed to "Dragon_scimitar"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_dw_equip_slot_4" changed to "Red_d'hide_body"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_dw_equip_slot_5" changed to "Anti-dragon_shield"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_dw_equip_slot_6" changed to "Red_d'hide_chaps"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_stop_at_death" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_hop_at_death" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_fight_tile_x" changed to "2982"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_fight_tile_y" changed to "3617"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_fight_tile_z" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_wait_loot" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "bank_mode" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "bank_condition" changed to "No_food_left"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_looting_bag" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Travel choice: (0) from (Walk)
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_travel_method" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_alert_pk_attack" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Amulet detected [Amulet of glory(1)], saving...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: "ss_my_amulet" changed to "Amulet_of_glory(1)"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Yay!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Banks added: [41]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Floors added: [12]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Scenery added: [2]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Entrances added: [43]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Carpet rides added: [4]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:12 AM]: Ships added: [5]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: Agility shortcuts added: [10]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: Fairy teleport added: [38]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: Teleport items added: [36]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: Teleport spells added: [12]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: Stronghold added
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: NPC teleports added: [1]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: Added al-kharid gate (free)
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: Added 11500 nodes to graph in [948ms].
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: "ss_gdk_mode" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: "did_teleport_bank" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: "aa_ge_shortcut" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: "ss_fz_nearby_npcs" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: "ss_clear_loot" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: "prayer_flick_mode" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:13 AM]: "setup_ready" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:14 AM]: "ss_hop_trigger" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:14 AM]: "ss_hop_trigger" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:15 AM]: "ss_hop_trigger" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:16 AM]: "ss_hop_trigger" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:16 AM]: "ss_hop_trigger" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:17 AM]: "ss_hop_trigger" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:17 AM]: "ss_hop_trigger" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:18 AM]: "ss_hop_trigger" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:19 AM]: "ss_hop_trigger" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][01/01 10:54:19 AM]: "ss_hop_trigger" changed to "0"
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