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Perfect Fighter AIO


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That message is rude and unacceptable. I already said the trials for the script were full since there is a limit to how many trials are given. You can't say the script is bad without even using the script.. sad.png Refresh scripts, the trial should be available now


For green dragons, the plugin is temporarily removed since the gdk plugin is still under construction sad.png it's almost ready though biggrin.pngbiggrin.png




Eating should be fixed in v164, there was an error which affects all of my scripts :( :(

Edited by Czar
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Hey man,


Using v163 and the bot doesn't seem to eat at all anymore, I got to 5hp so I ate up but then every time after that it just kept going to 1-8hp not attemtping to eat.


Also merry christmas!




Czar said a fix in v164 has been posted and is just waiting approval now so should be fixed tomorrow or something :)

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