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Hmm for stronghold plugin it should be looting arrows with at least a 3+ stack, I will check this out asap. :D

High alch - I will be adding a valuable item dialogue update for this in the next version :D

Ogress mages - will check out with aforementioned setup, stay tuned for another update :D

As for house tabs, I will check this out, any information on your setup ? I will test it at taverley blue dragons with the bank condition set to no food, bank set to falador west and I will move my house to taverley for the testing. Stay tuned for next update :D

Thanks guys, will be getting back to the script workspace. :D

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Yep working on another update following the last one. I pushed a small mini update regarding a few small patches to let users who have been waiting for certain updates use them instead of waiting for 1 big update.

As for trials, activated good luck guys :D Stay tuned for next update, will be announcing very soon :)

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i've run into a snag trying to cannon with it. I add ogre to my fighting list, select that i would like to kill npc with cannon, select cannon tile and hit start. it instantly logs me out. (i've done this with selecting a fighting area as well as a safe spot and it always logs me out right after hitting start.) i am using no ammo in my bow to prevent gaining hp exp. if this is the issue please let me know, and if so... would be awesome for supporting cannoning without the need for ammo 😉

Thank you in advance! i have pretty much every script of yours ha 

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Having trouble with safespotting and looting, similar to the aforementioned ogress warriors. when safespotting, the script seems to prioritse the spot even when banking is set up and the inventory is full. the script will start to run back to the bank, and then immediately return to the safespot, creating this strange running loop forever. Maybe allow an option to disable the safespot when banking?

Rest is good, thanks!

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On 6/8/2019 at 3:16 AM, cloud916 said:

i've run into a snag trying to cannon with it. I add ogre to my fighting list, select that i would like to kill npc with cannon, select cannon tile and hit start. it instantly logs me out. (i've done this with selecting a fighting area as well as a safe spot and it always logs me out right after hitting start.) i am using no ammo in my bow to prevent gaining hp exp. if this is the issue please let me know, and if so... would be awesome for supporting cannoning without the need for ammo 😉

Thank you in advance! i have pretty much every script of yours ha 

Script logs you out when out of arrows as default. Can;t change this atm i think. Try putting some arrow in ammo slot, as long you dont have 'fight alongside cannon' option ticked it won't attack the ogres.

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@Consum98 the script shouldn't be going bank, what is your bank condition like? Can you post your setup window options so I can see? I will add an update :D

@Promo I will give override potions another look, is the script still drinking super combats while ranging anymore? Please confirm. In any case I will add an update :D

@Botthestrange Will check out big bones for burying too, can you isolate the error so that it it's not a mirror client issue? Are you using stealth or injection? Also can you confirm if inventory was open a the time? Any error logs in console? I will check this out in the meantime and add an update :D

@magetrip NMZ I am not allowed to do full nmz script, I can only add basic support only when inside a game, because there are already 2 nmz scripts in the SDN market out there for 9.99 and I would most likely get into trouble. I will see what I can do ^^ :D I will add an update so it doesn't die outside of a game with overload/rock :D

@cloud916 I will try and make it not stop script without ammo with a preselected option (by default) which can be un-ticked if you wish, it should suit everybody, since users will complain that the script will not stop if no arrows. Update coming up :D

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New Update (v246)

- (Cannon): Added alching for cannon mode
- (Cannon): No longer freezes when re-filling cannon
- (Cannon): Telegrabbing supported for cannon (exclusively if the option is selected)
- (Magic): Added 'only loot my targets' support for magic combat (this will also fix the ogress warriors bug)
- (Magic): No longer casts spells from the magic spellbook when autocasting
- Fixed equipment tab freezing up, no longer unselectable
- Added bugfix for bones and big bones burying
- Added bugfix for nmz dying when outside a game
- Override prayer sip fixed, range was working for me - I will do more test runs.
- Teleport to house tabs fixed, should no longer rely on osbot's webwalker too

As for alching and the dialogue messages, make sure to do this: (note: applies for both high value, AND non-tradeable items)


As for stronghold looting every single arrow: make sure to remove the arrow from the looting window, you should only enable 'loot my arrows' when ranging and don't add it to the loot list. Unless you want to, otherwise I will make a workaround update to allow flexibility. :D

As for stopping script, I will be coding a major re-write for that system and arrows to allow flexibility, although it will happen in the next version. In the meantime turn off 'fight alongside cannon' and it should be fine, or if you really want, disable the npc attack option so you can't attack the npc at all, turn auto retaliate off too, and it should have the same effect as a bow with no arrows. :D 

As for profit counter and hopping etc. I will be finding a cause for this bug and fix it asap :D

Another update will be added after this one, stay tuned for the next one guys :D

As usual, thanks for all your support and feedback, really appreciate it :D:D

Edited by Czar
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