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Done activated trials good luck guys :D

As for Taverley and safespot, can you screenshot the last settings you used in the setup window so I can perform a full debug? I will have taverley dungeon fixed ASAP. I am planning on adding a specialized combat handler just for that dungeon due to the way the blue dragons are set up too close to each other. As for banking and null pointers at the crumbling wall, I will check this out too. Which bank condition did you set? Is it trying to walk back to taverley dungeon before even withdrawing the bank items? Will check it out :D 

Ogress warriors and mage - I will go there and test magic with + without autocasting and add a few updates there. As for looting, did you enable only return to safespot when attacked? If you select the only return to safespot for loot, it may work better. In any case please post your setup config so I can debug this too ^^ :D 

Herb sack - had a small de-tour I needed to test a few things but I should get it in a day or two max. I will be online again today ^^ :D

Stronghold of security: there is a button for only loot my targets, but even then, I highly recommend babysitting because iron men looting is not supported properly, the client still doesn't know which loot belongs to you or to others. Even if you select 'loot my target' there can still be an item under your target from somebody else and it will mess up. All I can do is filter out bad tiles if you get the message 'cannot loot this because iron man' etc. I will see what I can do  :D

Nightmare zone - basic version is included, I can't add a full NMZ due to market rules, there are already full nmz scripts out there, it should be enough with just flicking and potting though  :D

Taverley house tabs: will add these in the next version asap  :D

Emergency teleport feature: yes I will try to add something like this, it will most likely be added in misc. 2 tab in the next version ^^ :D

Thanks guys, got a few cool ideas on how to implement today's update ^^ :D Really appreciate all your support and feedback, the script will get better and better thanks to you guys :D

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On 5/29/2019 at 6:32 PM, Czar said:

Ogress warriors and mage - I will go there and test magic with + without autocasting and add a few updates there. As for looting, did you enable only return to safespot when attacked? If you select the only return to safespot for loot, it may work better. In any case please post your setup config so I can debug this too ^^ :D 


Misc. 2 only 2 ticks :  "Return to safespot no loot left" and "Wait after clicking attack" 

I pretty much tested all the options I could think of by switching between different criterias. Couldn't find the right one. If you need I can send you the whole setup.txt I lastly tried.

Does it support banking on Cove by walking? And will the bot alch there?


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New Update (v245)

- Cannons are now supported with banking
- Added stability update to cannonballs and save profiles
- Script will no longer think it's missing items in the bank if the cannon is placed on the floor
- Cannons are automatically added to banking layout for you, so no more adding it manually (if banking)
- Added a fix for spellcasting and combat system
- Added an update for safespotting and pathing
- Added an update for ogresses, including map
- Added an update for tele-grabbing, same applies to cannoning
- Added support for Taverley dungeon upper blue dragons
- Fixed errors for level task system (levelling evenly)
- Real distance option now affects looting too
- Added an update regarding looting items far away (now generates paths)
- Added an update for task scheduler system
- Fixed agility obstacle pipe for taverley (70 agility)
- Added an update for sand crabs on crabclaw isle regarding aggro
- Added an update for guthans and equipment
- Equipment no longer becomes unselectable after loading a profile
- Safespots and fight areas now support Z coordinates (height planes)

I hope I didn't miss any updates, if I did - my apologies please post again or PM and I will work on your update/idea/bug ASAP. Will be doing a final test run and then will be pushing the update ^^ :D

Next update is a performance update, and may include a few features/tweaks on anything I may have missed.

Thanks guys for your continued support and feedback, really appreciate it ^^ :D And special thanks to users who are posting detailed + useful bug reports, will be considering a gift prize for you guys in the near future, makes updates so much faster and life much easier.


After this update, taverley and corsair cove dungeon profiles need to be deleted and re-made if they are not already working.

Edited by Czar
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