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Minotaurs: you need to use the stronghold plugin for stronghold npcs, you can access it at the top of the setup window Plugins -> Stronghold of Security :D

I will be re-designing some aspects of the setup window to make it less cluttery and more straightforward, including a more simplistic theme.

Max safespot distance (tiles): If you set it to 0, it will ignore the distance between you and the npc, but if you set it to 10 tiles, it will only safespot npcs within 10 tiles distance.

Will also be making the setup window more visual instead of walls of text. I am going to experiment with a new setup option called 'Quick-mode' too :D

New Update (v242)

- Fixed dying bug
-- No longer fails to eat food, script will now avoid deaths completely
- Added newer items to looting tab
- Added looting tab fix for all ISPs/censored countries
- No longer goes to p2p banks if in f2p world
- Added improvements to bank condition checker
- Added warning for AFK option, it does not loot items because all botting activity is off
- No longer drinks super combats if ranging
- No longer spams camera/messages for first combat occurence system
- Added a few changes to paint and levelling tracker
- Added failsafe when trying to fight stronghold npcs without the plugin
- Now hops to correct p2p/f2p following latest game updates
- Burning amulet and ring of wealths are working again
- No longer spam clicks when retaliating to combat
- Fixed webwalker for wyrms (Mount Karuulm)
- Fixed ammonite crab refresh aggro
- Added an update for looting and cannon mode, should be improved (fight alongside cannon too)
- When refreshing aggro with King Sand Crabs, it will no longer walk after ladders
- Stops + notifications bug fixes
- (GDK): No longer replaces amulet with games necklace
- (GDK): Will attempt to wear the best amulet you have, excluding games necklace

Will be doing final rounds of complete testing, then I will push. After I push the update, it will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys :D Rough ETA: Pushing update by tonight.

Thanks guys for all the support and feedback, really appreciate it :D 

Edited by Czar
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Is there something I'm doing wrong? Trying to use bones to peaches, and even if I'm at full health, it eats 1-2 of my food. It seems like the priority is to pick up bones and always make space, even if not needed. I've ticked the box at the bottom saying wait, but it hasn't worked.

Edited by notmynameorisit
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Hmm well it depends if you enabled the option eat food for space, it may be eating food to loot bones. Did you add bones as loot? Make sure you don't add them as loot, as the script will automatically pick them up with b2p mode. In any case, please provide your exact setup options so I can try it out and help ^^ :D

As for trials, activated good luck guys :D

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Guys just a quick update I need a bit more time to post the new update, apologies. The teleport + amulet system needs to be re-written completely, both for the main script and for green dragons, because I want to make it as stable as possible. I may post the update without the large re-write if it takes more than a few hours to re-write the amulet system.

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Hey Czar!

I'm using the script for killing Blue Dragons in Taverley dungeon, and when the inventory is full I want it to use the falador teleport spell to bank. The script will instead alternate between the magic tab and the inventory indefinitely and not actually click the teleport icon. Mind checking into this? Other than that it runs great!

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7 hours ago, MillSup said:

Hey Czar!

I'm using the script for killing Blue Dragons in Taverley dungeon, and when the inventory is full I want it to use the falador teleport spell to bank. The script will instead alternate between the magic tab and the inventory indefinitely and not actually click the teleport icon. Mind checking into this? Other than that it runs great!

This seems to be a webwalking issue, try using a falador tab instead of the spell!

Also, logger output could be good, especially your current exact location and where the web walker is failing to get to exactly (it should say in the logger too)

8 hours ago, JojoStands said:

Could you put a click-delay in the Stronghold of Security doors? It clicks one door and then waits like 20-30 seconds before it clicks the second door.


Be sure to use the stronghold plugin, apart from that, check the logger for any issues

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Very informative replies, took the words straight out of my mouth ^^ :D

For stronghold npcs: yep, always use the plugin. If still using plugin and not working, confirm please, and I will check it out. In the meantime I will run some tests there and if I find anything bad I will add it to the update list for next version.

As for webwalker, yep it's osbot's silly webwalker I will have to overwrite it with mine again.

Edited by Czar
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