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Perfect Fighter AIO


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While cannoning in multi area, fighting alongside of it with quickpray and special attack, with or without 'wait for loot' enabled, it often neglects looting an item and forgets the refilling of the cannon at desired intervals. It looks like it's too busy fighting to pickup loot and it randomly fills the cannon with balls even when I selected the script to fill between 20-25. 

It does recognize the loot in the logger, but fails to act on. I suggest a failsafe or check for dropped loot every once in a while.

GDK-plugin: When teleporting to 'draynor' after killing dragons and filling inv. it teleports to edgevil instead. 

Would love to see a burning amulet teleport added for the western dragons.


Edited by pallmalled
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Whenever I'm at Gargoyles in the slayer tower, I put on the settings for F12 key logout tile, however, it the bot stays idle for 2-3 min waiting to logout, and just continues without using the break handler. Could you fix this?

It also remains idle and stands there sometimes without attacking anything when logging back in after using the break handler without turning on the F12 logout tile function.

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- What is the bug = 
The script does not logout nor takes breaks 95% of the time, on discovery I noticed it has two methods of actually performing this tasks. 
A simple logout on the spot whilst not in combat (this works but the method chosen is rare.) 

- How did you make the bug happen = 
Simply run the script with breaks on at Gargoyles at Slayer Tower

- Tried client restart? = 

- Normal script or a plugin? = 

- Which exact setup options are enabled? 
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42 minutes ago, paulrut24 said:

- What is the bug = 
The script does not logout nor takes breaks 95% of the time, on discovery I noticed it has two methods of actually performing this tasks. 
A simple logout on the spot whilst not in combat (this works but the method chosen is rare.) 

- How did you make the bug happen = 
Simply run the script with breaks on at Gargoyles at Slayer Tower

- Tried client restart? = 

- Normal script or a plugin? = 

- Which exact setup options are enabled? 


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Hello, just bought the script and I'm having a problem with profiles.

When I set everything up and hit File > Save As, it saves a .txt file. When I hit File > Open and select the .txt file, the settings are completely blank and appear to have not saved, but the title bar says the profile was loaded. Is there a fix for this?

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So i just bought the script and heres what i don't like to the point where i wish i had a refund or another script to try out.

1. the script take too long to start. if you mess up one little detail on the scripts on what your killing you will have to redo it. the script takes anywhere from 3-5 mins per load out. i have the latest mac with wifi of download speeds of 50mb/s and it still lags me.

2. green dragon plugin very laggy aswell. high ban rate im presuming because lack of real human simulator and green drags too overly populated.

3. it works well for slayer if you don't mess up the details/have decent stats cause if you get something like infernal mages its over.

4. does not save load outs for macs and some other computer.

5. prayer flick which is still in beta sucks and you can't even see them flicking because it lags you so much when it uses it. 

6. i want a refund please or a new script to try. this so far is garbage and not worth the 9.99.


if you have any questions or concerns let me know. as far as proggie reports, i do them by slayer task if you request to see one. 

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