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17 hours ago, miniman said:

So the problem with the script stopping or trying to walk to the bank has to do with the client break timer. 2-3 minutes before the scheduled break for some reason the script will either stop doing anything or walk to the nearest bank.

But if you turn breaks off it works fine.

it's made with logic - go away from combat / to safe area -> bank BEFORE break starts. so you DON'T end up trying to logout for break while IN COMBAT from some aggressive monsters you fight.

It used to go to breaks instantly it triggers, and it would fail hard, because it triggers while you are fighting some NPC, so you can't really logout

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17 hours ago, guywithlsd said:

it's made with logic - go away from combat / to safe area -> bank BEFORE break starts. so you DON'T end up trying to logout for break while IN COMBAT from some aggressive monsters you fight.

It used to go to breaks instantly it triggers, and it would fail hard, because it triggers while you are fighting some NPC, so you can't really logout

I used this script for months before that change and it always worked, it would try to log out during combat once and a while but if your break timer was set to after however long it is to lose aggro, like 15-20 minutes then you would only have to finish 1 kill and it would log you out after that. This new method is completely broken to the point in where you can't even use the break timer anymore and it has also somehow messed up the random dismisser to where the scripts as well as the clients just doesn't work while running this script.

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@boozer did you make sure cannon was in inventory before choosing the cannon tile? After cannon was initially setup, did you make sure your player was standing near the cannon at all times? Please let me know if there are any errors in the console log. I am curious to see if cannon mode was setup properly or not. If it was, and if the cannon is being reloaded at least two times, tell me. I will be testing it ASAP.

As for breaks, I coded it so it returns to a safe area/bank before the breaks kick in. Should I make it an option? Should I also make it an option as to when to actually go the safe spot? I was thinking of adding a condition of what to do when breaks are about to enter. Perhaps add a list of options such as go to bank, or go to a new area, or log out, stop script, reload on supplies. Need some ideas and feedback please! :D 

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2 hours ago, Czar said:

@boozer did you make sure cannon was in inventory before choosing the cannon tile? After cannon was initially setup, did you make sure your player was standing near the cannon at all times? Please let me know if there are any errors in the console log. I am curious to see if cannon mode was setup properly or not. If it was, and if the cannon is being reloaded at least two times, tell me. I will be testing it ASAP.

As for breaks, I coded it so it returns to a safe area/bank before the breaks kick in. Should I make it an option? Should I also make it an option as to when to actually go the safe spot? I was thinking of adding a condition of what to do when breaks are about to enter. Perhaps add a list of options such as go to bank, or go to a new area, or log out, stop script, reload on supplies. Need some ideas and feedback please! :D 

trial ended, yes i was near it at all times actually set to fight alongside and changed reload number both up and down. would reload once maybe twice then wouldn't do anything except fight and i had over 1k cannonballs

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3 hours ago, El_Maestro said:

Could I have a trial please?:) Also, with so many features, have you considered adding a get slayer task option? This is truly a step from being an AIO slayer. If that doesn't interest you, could you possibly add a 'stop once task is complete' option to the script? I'd definitely buy it then!!

There is already an option for it to stop once task is complete :)

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