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@guywithlsd can you try safespotting kurasks again? I think an update just went live  :o

As for blue dragons and the angle, set the mouse zoom to far away:


Looks like v191 is up, latest is: v192 which shouldn't take too long since updates are getting faster nowadays :) alching bug stopped happening too, brass key bug disappeared, blue dragons I need to test again just to be sure, ring of dueling and salve teleports I also need to test again to be sure, gdk I need to test without avas accumulator for arrow looting. Arrow looting in crabs should be much better hopefully.

Edited by Czar
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Brutal black dragon plugin may be broken.

1. Sometimes it doesn't pick up loot and heads straight to attack another dragon.

2. I've noticed it will try to recharge prayer at the altar after a kill for no reason (even with prayer potion). This happed once or twice.

3. World hopping doesn't work it will just keep going back to the altar.

4. In the logger: INFO][Bot #1][05/04 10:52:53 PM]: Found safe tile, walking there right now! (tile: [x=1617, y=10093, z=0], distance: 0 tiles)
[INFO][Bot #1][05/04 10:52:53 PM]: Already at walk_screen target! ([x=1617, y=10093, z=0]) This is spammed over and over during combat even when the bot is at safe distance, so the bot is probably thinking something is happening.


Sidenote: I will try the cannon safespot thing again tommorow. Just finished my mid term exam+practical so now i can monitor the bot myself. 

Edited by John Smith
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@Czar Might be because of rs update, but i started at kurasks, and bot attack kurask and just teleported me to Camelot (was selected in traveling options) and then started to run back to spot.

Also, instead of going to bank grab Cammelot tab, it started to run back to kurask's. Stopped script after that. 

Now i tested this again, because everything i said ^^ was yesturday. Today same things happening. Pretty much attack kurask, click camelot tele and runs straight back to kurasks (idk if it would reach them, im pretty sure it crashed on the way standing and doing nothing)  without even banking for cammy tele.

Yesturday i used my old saved properties. Today i created fresh options, saved them, and it does same. .191 version. 

I have no clue why would it trigger banking and i have no clue why would it not go to bank for ammo / camelot teletab. Logger doesn't show any clear error that would say why does it bank. 



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Sorry guys I messed up banking in the last version :(:( Was trying to change the bank-teleport algorithm

New update (v192.5):

- Fixed wyverns + backup npc detector
- Fixed bank condition trigger, especially for kurasks
- Added an update for brutal black dragons worldhop, walker and prayer
- Fixed banking when not withdrawing any food (for the cow killer depositing cowhides and getting stuck at bank)
- Fixed teleporting when bank condition is triggered: 'no_food_low_health'
- Added 'Large fight area' option to allow the script to search for fightable npcs in a larger fightzone, e.g. hill giants in edgeville, wyverns, etc.

for brutal black dragons and looting can you check if there is an error log when the script doesn't loot? For me it looted perfectly but I should've ran it for a longer period of time I guess, I will re-test. As for prayer it should only refill prayer before entering if the prayer isn't full, should be patched in this update :D

update will automatically go live very soon, the last update was ~10 hours ago so the next one should be less than 24 hours away :) 


Fixed emergency teleporting too, preview: (stopped script after due to panicking :doge:)




@guywithlsd has safespotting improved or did you not get a chance to test with the banking bug? Just making sure ^^ :D 

Edited by Czar
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1 hour ago, Czar said:

for brutal black dragons and looting can you check if there is an error log when the script doesn't loot? For me it looted perfectly but I should've ran it for a longer period of time I guess, I will re-test. As for prayer it should only refill prayer before entering if the prayer isn't full, should be patched in this update

Just checked, there is no error log in the script when it doesn't loot. It will just try to attack another dragon.

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@Czar what can i say man..

Coming back to safespot if it walks out of safespot while trying to reach nps - same bugged. will not go back and just finish kill https://gyazo.com/0156fa33474f7a0eeb011dd991d5113a

Looting is bugged - will not pick up about 20% of loot. happens with all items, not only noted. pretty much anything that is stackable or noted is buggy - Nature runes / noted big bones is biggest problem.  

Almost Never loot after kill. I have selected, loot only my target + wait for loot. And still kill's npc -> wait for 2-5 secs -> attack another npc. After that, goes looting. OR kill's npc, gets drop. Kills another npc. Get another drop. Goes looting 1str drop leaving second one on ground <- this one happens not all the time. Sometimes it does loot both items.

So, i got full inventory. I have selected - Eat for loot. Left 3x drop on ground without eating to loot. 2 of those drops was stackable - nature runes and something else.

TL;DR - everything is same, it's just not teleporting out of came randomly after all update.

Edited by guywithlsd
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Tried out the ogre safespot w/ cannon again and the same bug happened again. Picture 1 is where i started, picture 2 are the location i ended up sometimes after a few minutes. The options i selected was ogre as npc, magic combat support, cannon support, safespot tile set to 0, anti ban options, cannon ball set to a random range and fight alongside cannon.  

1. http://i.imgur.com/VT5WAay.png 

2a. http://i.imgur.com/UKXwADS.png

2b. http://i.imgur.com/LqNwsFS.png

I've also noticed the bot will not refill the cannon for quite some time, but will fix it self later.

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Noo you can't change the cannon tile (f1), otherwise it will mess up the script completely (ignore this if you didn't change and the actual object tile is different), use f6 to set a safespot tile for the cannon. The grey painted tile is for cannon and the green painted tile will be for safespot. Hmm so the bug is that the script walks away from safespot while cannoning and doesn't return? If so I have a really easy fix if the f6 safespot doesn't work above ^

I am starting to think the wait for loot / only loot my kills is causing the script to not loot sometimes, I will run some more tests guys apologies and thank you for your patience I really appreciate it, shouldn't take too long for looting fix, as for safespotting I have a fix ready hopefully this one does the trick :o At least script updates are a lot faster than before, it's twice a day now I think ^^ :D So that's good news. Gimme one more update for these and they should be perfected within the next version hopefully

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GDK's banking doesn't seem to work. It opens bank and deposits, but then it just goes idle. It's supposed to withdraw 15 lobsters, a dueling ring and a games necklace.

Here's what logger says:

[INFO][Bot #1][05/06 12:49:56 ip.]: withdrawing item id 3: 2552,379,3853,_1,15,1,
[INFO][Bot #1][05/06 12:49:56 ip.]: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
    at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
    at perfect.scripting.b.c.b.Prn.j(rl:154)
    at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$4$1.accept(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.Spliterators$ArraySpliterator.forEachRemaining(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluateToArrayNode(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.stream.IntPipeline.toArray(Unknown Source)
    at perfect.scripting.b.c.b.Prn.G(rl:154)
    at perfect.scripting.b.c.b.Prn.G(rl:17)
    at a.a.c.Con.j(re:64)
    at a.a.c.aUx.G(bf:654)
    at a.nul.d(vn:385)
    at a.nul.onLoop(vn:1428)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(nl:235)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

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