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@Czar i don't get it then. I could not find an option in GUI where i could select - safespot. there is Smart safespotting, etc. but not simple - safespot or smth that would let me know that it's option for safespotting. And i never had F6 as safespot tile / never saw green tile as safespot.. i tryed all f'keys yesturday to test them and only f7 / f10 would do something . but f6 would do nothing. one of fX would hide paint.

It makes sense it does not work if i don't select safespot, but how can i select safespot if i can't select anything in GUI related with this (?)


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Ohh for safespot to be activated as an option you gotta enable ranged/mage mode, even if you don't use ranged/mode, e.g. halberd meleeing - just so the option becomes available. So enable ranged mode or mage mode, start the script, then the paint will show the option 'F6 - Set safespot tile', go to a tile, hit the f6 key, then the green tile will be painted over the tile and then let the script do the work :D 

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4 minutes ago, FishySkillr said:

I fkin love your scripts my god please don't ever go inactive :D, been using the script for an hour or 2 not a massive proggie but flawless.. 

really appreciate it :D let me know if there are any bugs or any suggestions for the script, tweaks/changes to be made etc :) 


@guywithlsd any luck with the script? :D 


Reached forum post like limit :( 


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6 minutes ago, Czar said:

really appreciate it :D let me know if there are any bugs or any suggestions for the script, tweaks/changes to be made etc :) 


@guywithlsd any luck with the script? :D 


Reached forum post like limit :( 


going to test right away and will report later tonight or tomorrow. in whole 5 months i have never really tested safespotting lol...

And as i can remember my bot would crash after X amount of time if i select mage/range based combat even if i'm having bolts. logger most of the time says - terminating script

It's been a while i tried that option, so we will see.


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Okay no worries I have an update planned for bolts so hopefully that won't happen anymore either ^^ :D 

Also guys if you saved a fight profile at nieve's slayer cave, please delete it and make a new profile, the entire map changed which means the tiles are the old map's tiles and it may not work. Just a quick heads up :o 

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@Czar If it attack npc and stand in safe spot and i MANUALY like you show in your gif walk away from spot, it comes back to spot same second. But if it clicks on npc and bot runs away of safespot because it was forced to do so Example - npc is walking away from youand at a same moment bot clicks on it Attack..it will take a bit of time for bot to understand it's not in safespot anymore. EDIT - it will finish the kill, not a bit of time.  Here is a gif i made when in walked away from safespot like i said - https://gyazo.com/a451fdad402c414b70ee412d4b39314d EDIT - https://gyazo.com/32d71ad567ccb0032a8e7dca0d14e415 happened like 5 times in 20mins run.   Smart safespot enabled.

Looting is kind of slow, and most of time it loots after it kills second npc. Not much of problem, but if it takes longer to kill npc - Like black dragons, acc will lose loot.

EDIT for looting - Sometimes it skips looting for like 3-4 npc's until loot dissapears. Same item in same spot where it looted it couple of times already.

Paint for looting is not working. Tbh it never did, at least what i have seen. EDIT - i mean it works, it shows somekind of values, but they are incorrect. + It always scan something when u start script and gp/h start to work from the moment i run script even tho i have not looted / dropped anything yet.

Alching is bugged. Loot Alch item -> open mage tab -> select alch -> alch item -> without waiting a second it goes back to mage tab -> click spell -> nothing to alch -> tries attack NPC with Alch spell selected. Couldn't catch doing it but saw second time stucked like that after alching item.


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9 hours ago, Czar said:

Hmm turn off breaks if they are active - they seem to not be working. (client side issue)

Did you enter the name of gargoyle npc correctly? Enter it Gargoyle not gargoyles or try enter it from nearby npcs by the add button (not add by name). Otherwise a client restart should solve it hopefully. I can't think of anything which will not let the script attack gargoyles, hmm did you check the console log?

Safespot taking too long.. I don't understand. I just tested it man I'm not sure what the problem is, in fact I can argue that safespot is too quick: Explain the issue I will fix it ASAP, I don't like it if there are bugs but I need to be able to know what they actually are otherwise it will just be an endless cycle of searching for bug -> no bug found -> back to square 1 -> repeat

Green tile = safespot

I manually tried moving to another tile and the script immediately walked back


Worldhop tile is the same as break tile, I ran out of F keys to assign a key for world hop so it shares the same as the breaks tile, I already mentioned it :( As for the other 2 bugs you mentioned I fixed them (the jogre/cyclops one). I am working on a mouse tile chooser so you can manage tiles much easier than using the F keys. I also fixed the goal level system bug a few versions back :D 

I will check out worldhopping while in combat though, I suppose you mean one-sided combat where the script is attacking an npc but it's not attacking the player back?


EDIT: For the gargoyle and cannon post, can you fill out the bug report template on the main thread please? :( It's extremely difficult to reproduce bugs on an AIO script because there are many options which alter the script, many npcs, many fightzones etc.


I found the problem. I had to have ring of dueling equipped instead of in inventory but now the script won't detect the Salve graveyard teleport from my bank.

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45 minutes ago, Czar said:

Hmm okay which setup options did you use? I will use the same, test, then add an update asap. Screenshot the setup menu, so bank options are dueling ring -> castle wars bank, and fight teleport is set to salve graveyard teleport?

You are amazing; always working day and night to iron out bugs.

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Unfortunately due to my colelge exams, barely got to work with the script, but thank you again for the free 24 hours! In the short time with the script I was amazed by its quality and depth. I'll save any criticisms I have for later but from what i saw, the attack speed's were amazing, looting was quick and efficient, and walking - well walking literally blew my mind. I had it killing hill giants on a trash f2p chracter i made two days ago and the route he would take were amazing, rather than going to varrock east it would go through the edge dungeon to edgville bank most times it seemed - incredible honestly.

Before saying this, I have not done adequate research on this because I'm new to the site and have exams so I'm sorry if I am repeating known issue or am missing a vital plugin or such, but there were a few (small) issues. 

1. When banking, the bot would deposit the brass key to hill giants every time, did not know how to fix it.

2. the bot -despite my vain attempts to edit the setting and change this- would prioritize looting over fighting (even mid fight, with the "finish fighting before looting" option enabled)

3. (I think I read about issues with dragons but still worth noting) I ran this on my range tank at blue dragons. I use the safespot feature and set the tile and everything. For some reason the first few times it jsut would not attack the dragons. Other times it would try to loot but would sprint back to safe spot before looting and would repeat this same action infinately.


All in all amazing script, thanks again, hope this helps!

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thank you for the feedback guys :D 

Brass key bug was recently fixed just waiting on update to go live, as for fighting over looting, I will make some tweaks asap. Will test dragons, did you enable smart-safespot option or edit the safespot tile range limit?

Update should go live any moment now apologies for the wait guys it usually takes up to 24 hours :( Update needs to be processed before it goes live automatically

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