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It just gets stuck on "Calculating" while inside the bank? (After withdrawing the items it just stops working). Disabling the banking mode fixes it. Might have been something I did wrong though. Rest has worked flawlessly!

Edited by smirkbegan
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Barrows is not possible, but maybe it's possible to set up an autofighter to kill the skeletons, I haven't tried it before but I know this is an older method back in the day using bones to peaches :doge: 

@Kzing I lowered the loot delay down from 7 seconds to 2 seconds, should I make it even lower to maybe 1 second? Or did you see no difference? Please confirm. I will make more changes. Please add me on discord so I can adjust the script to meet your exact needs! :D 

@smirkbegan Ty for letting me know I'm gunna review banking mode, I'm glad to hear it works without it but it should work with banking too maybe we can make some small adjustments to the bank layout usually I keep food and brass key in there, maybe a potion or two, and it works well. If we add coins etc items that we don't regularly take from bank, the bot may be confused, either way lmk what you're trying to kill + bank for, and I'll send you some good settings <3 

@Wet Yep CLI is supported, which means automated goldfarms :boge: The params will be the name of the profile you wish to use, ofc this assumes you filled out the setup window and saved a profile <3 

Trials added gl guys, and ty for the support @pranko <3 

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