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Then you gotta create profile for monks (stand at monks while setting up bot) and the bot will choose the nearest. Save this profile and then you can use this specific profile in the schedule chain. It sounds complicated I know but I am working on making it simpler @Album.

I have also been thinking about making a way to select from a list of monks with area, so a new menu will appear with e.g. 10 monk areas, and you can choose Monk (Edgeville), Monk (Kourend) etc, this should make it not require to stand near the monk when creating profiles.

Trial enabled glgl :doge: 

MM2 not yet supported I'm working on it - it's missing some stuff like choosing best tile, re-aggro etc. but once I complete mm2 on my main I'll be able to focus more on these. 

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On 7/8/2021 at 12:53 PM, FastPass said:

if you added security of stronghold to CLI that would be absolutely game-changing, that is such a good spot for f2p farms but it wont work with cli, it just creates a blank profile named after the SOS plugin profile I made. that would be insane if you did that man :D

@CzarDid you ever get around to this?


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Disclaimer: MM1 chinning is not supported whatsoever, and is not advertised as part of the script.

Legal stuff aside, for the mm1 beta testing part you need auto retaliate enabled, prayer pots, start at GE, varrock tabs, ape atoll teleport tabs, and the bot will (try) to do the rest. Note: this is just a beta, you must babysit the bot, there is a good chance it will mess up.

I have not even used mm1 chinning for more than 1 hour. Too expensive to train there not worth spending mills to train range would rather train range with slayer and get profit but that's just me :doge: 

My goal is to get feedback on this beta plugin and the other plugins too so I can improve them and eventually release a flawless plugins and advertise them as part of the script <3 

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