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Hey Czar,
Can you look into walking to rune dragons ?
Sometimes it interacts with the barrier at adamant dragons and dies.

Probs wanna check for closest barrier when in specific area (area before the rune dragons barrier).

This is what i'm currently using in my script (trying to learn java):

Area area4 = new Area(1573, 5077, 1572, 5072); //Area before rune dragons barrier (5x2 area)

// part from my walking method applying the above...
            api.log("We are at area 4.. getting the closest barrier");
            RS2Object obstacle3_barrier = api.getObjects().closest("Barrier");


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21 hours ago, Czar said:

Stronghold - updated! My apologies, the images were not working, and the stronghold plugin didn't launch. Update will automatically go live within a few hours.

Latest version now v264.4 Stronghold now launching again, my apologies!

@freemynsandy As for safespot make sure to hit the f6 key, and CTRL key for more commands - let me know what npcs you're fighting I will help :D 

@biesje As for Taverley dungeon, yep both dusty key and 70 agility shortcut are supported, gave you a trial enjoy!

Would be more human like if when you have the bot potting up att/str/def to open up the skills tab to "look" at ur stats rather than just it knowing when to pot up. Doesn't necessarily have to do it every time but it would add more of a human aspect to the bot. Especially since mirror mode uses the original os client.

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10 hours ago, MrLights said:

Would be more human like if when you have the bot potting up att/str/def to open up the skills tab to "look" at ur stats rather than just it knowing when to pot up. Doesn't necessarily have to do it every time but it would add more of a human aspect to the bot. Especially since mirror mode uses the original os client.

Most people use runelite now days which shows your stats on the left side of the screen.. very common for the majority of players to know when to pot without looking at stats panel

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There seems to be a bug where it gets stuck when trying to reenter hill giant area under varrock (with brass key).  For me it got stuck somewhere in front of the door.  Could be from setting combat tiles inside -> banking -> attempting to go back.

Otherwise great script!

One suggestion I would make is to add an option to bank when > inventory full or low health and no food.  There seems to be two separate options which would work nice if they were combined

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