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Ignore the dueling ring and games necklace, the script will already equip those without setting them in the inventory loadout, just type lobsters and it should work hopefully, confirm please I will add that to the testing list if it doesn't work :D 

@guywithlsd can you test looting without any extra options? (turn off loot my own loot, turn off wait for loot) just fight kurasks with safespot enabled, loot items added to list, and smart safespot (optional). I can't attack kurasks due to 70 slayer requirement :( I need to know if the extra looting options cause the missing loot bug.

In any case I am currently buying an account with 72 slayer in the market section so I can test slayer npcs and provide more accurate + faster updates. :D 

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Fixed. :D 

New Update (v192.6)

- GDK plugin banking fixed, no more errors either
- BBD plugin looting fixed, if loot is not visible script will walk to loot/turn viewport to loot then pick-up. Note: if inventory is full it will eat to free up inventory slots
- BBD world-hop tweaks: script will finish killing current dragon before hopping
- Added a fail-safe for cannon mode so the script will find the safespot more accurately
- Added safespot hotkey to paint (cannon mode)
- Added a delay to equipping any teleport items (e.g. games necklace) so it doesn't spam click each time and equip 2 amulet items consistently

To-do list: test kurasks + looting + safespot once I buy 70 slayer account today, cannon bug (?) need to find out if the previously mentioned bug is fixed by setting safespot via f6 hotkey. Will test wait for loot + loot my kills only options, they are highly experimental and I suspect they can cause the script to miss loot sometimes :( 

EDIT: please don't forget to enable ranging/maging mode if you are ranging/maging with cannon, it will toggle the ability to safespot

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@Czar Jeez dude, don't buy that account. I'll turn off those and will test again without those options. I just need to know few things:

1 - do i need to create new GUI opts every time i test some options? i mean, create new profile for every test run or i can use same old saved options and then play around with opts every time i re-run script

2 - do i have to restart client every time after stoping script to have break handler working?


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4 minutes ago, guywithlsd said:

@Czar Jeez dude, don't buy that account. I'll turn off those and will test again without those options. I just need to know few things:

1 - do i need to create new GUI opts every time i test some options? i mean, create new profile for every test run or i can use same old saved options and then play around with opts every time i re-run script

2 - do i have to restart client every time after stoping script to have break handler working?


hmm depends if you made a fightzone with the tile bounds selector then those can't be saved to profile, other than that all options that have been enabled in the gui are saveable and you don't need to repeatedly load same options.

as for break handler I don't think so, it may have been fixed by now I'm not totally sure

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Hey Czar, been a long time I came for some feedback: But it seems i'm still getting stuck now and then

- Security Stronghold Plugin: Walk- Setting 1

- Config: Uploaded Image

- Extra: The script tends to get stuck at the final door, managing to click the obstacle (door) but not capable of filling in the proceeding answer

Hope to see this fixed as I'm planning on starting a rather small goldfarm in a month or 2


Still getting stuck.png

2017-05-08 13_46_59-Perfect Stronghold - setup.png

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- Maybe there could be an option that would prevent the following from happening:

I got breaks on every 40-80';

After this period the character will return to the bank to prepare for break regardless of supplies left.

This is ofcourse very usefull and looks very non-bot; but tends to get in the way when I'm using the rather short break times.

I've tried using the currently available option 'Avoid Banking', but then I found out my character had died :p

- I've seen the same problem with the doors on this other location indicated on added image




2017-05-08 14_01_46-Perfect Stronghold - setup.png

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