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Perfect Agility AIO


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Ive been loving the script, but for some reason the interface displaying the exp rates and time to the next level is overlapping with some other text and it is very hard to make out the lettering.




This is the log, not sure if it has anything to do with it. Also, I have ready click off on the settings, but it is doing it anyway.





I appreciate what you've been doing so far, keep it up!




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very nice script, just a couple set backs. On the canafis course there is a bit of a delay if failing the 2nd last jump, slows down xp quite a bit; and on the falador course at the 3rd last obstacle, the camera moves at the same time as trying to click the jump, which occasionally makes it click the obstacle after, causing it to stand still for a while. only minor criticisms though haha real nice script thanks bro.

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