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Perfect Agility AIO


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1 hour ago, iNate said:

A botting ban from agility is the same, no matter what script you use. Both Czar and Khal are amazing with their scripts but a lot of people end up receiving 2 day bans for botting agility from my experience.

I have no clue why the ban-rate for agility is so high, just that the repetitiveness nature makes it easier for Jagex I assume. They can notice perfect clicks 99% of the time in 2 hours with no real stops/afk/breaks is non-human like. Maybe someone else can help answer that. 


Well from my knowledge.

If jagex actually tracked enough that the can actually generate a spline of mouse movement from your data, then that would mean that grab your mouse data at least 10 times a second. 

Each integer is 4 bytes of memory. Not counting the container to hold the data, each mouse coordinate is 2 integers, making it 8 bytes of memory. 

3600 seconds in a hour. roughly 36000 mouse coordinates tracked multiplied by 8 bytes of memory, thats .25 Mb of data per account per hour.

.25MB * 50,000 users online = 12.5 Gb of data sent to servers per hour. If they only track when you mouse moves, then you can probably slice that number in half to let say 5Gb an hour. It's not unrealistic, but it's certainly a lot of data.

So perfect mouse clicks is not as deadly as multiple clicks. Like if your account clicks multiple time to worldhop and keeps missclicking by a pixel. I think the high ban rates are from players botting irregular amount of hours, not taking enough breaks and not multi-skilling. i've had conversations abou this before. NO ONE will do the same activity for 9 hours at a time. Unless you are like x1 99 skill away from max. Then it is realistic to do the same activity for multiple hours at a time. But if you see streamers. They take breaks doing other skills.

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