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Stealth Quester


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3mil will be more then enough mate.

9 hours ago, JustinGLX said:

i just bought the script and was wondering if you know about how much GP i will end up needing on a fresh account to be able to run all the quests? I have all the required skills to do them all, just wondering how much money i should be looking to transfer over in order to complete all the quests. No worries if you're not sure.

3mil will be more then enough

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Mirror mode: NO

Low CPU mode: NO

Debug mode: NO

Command line parameters: NO

Multiple bots running in the same client: NO

Do you have tabs in your bank: NO

Quick start option: NONE

Quest: The Tourist Trap

Location: Start of Quest when teleporting with necklace of passage > goes to carpter flyer but their nobody there.

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On 10/25/2018 at 3:22 PM, ayjis said:

Interesting about the debug mode, maybe add that as an actual resume feature because that would have been helpful in many of my situations!

I couldn't get it to work in the RFD pirate situation tho.

Still can't start RFD pirate from an extremely basic run: fresh client, single run, using no load outs, etc.

What is this first stage the stack trace referring to?

[INFO][Bot #1][10/25 08:17:18 AM]: [DEBUG] Current quest: Rfd Pirate Subquest
[INFO][Bot #1][10/25 08:17:18 AM]: eating thread started
[INFO][Bot #1][10/25 08:17:20 AM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Blue wizard hat
[INFO][Bot #1][10/25 08:17:22 AM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Blue wizard robe
[INFO][Bot #1][10/25 08:17:24 AM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Mystic boots (dark)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/25 08:17:25 AM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Staff of fire
[INFO][Bot #1][10/25 08:17:27 AM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Mystic gloves (dark)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/25 08:17:32 AM]: [ERROR] Failed to find first stage
[INFO][Bot #1][10/25 08:17:32 AM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at api.nul.h(yn:344)
    at api.nul.h(yn:88)
    at api.COM5.h(ai:26)
    at l.CON.h(ro:474)
    at api.auX.C(um:110)
    at j.CON.onLoop(qi:96)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bm:189)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/25 08:17:33 AM]: [DEBUG] Current quest: Rfd Pirate Subquest
[INFO][Bot #1][10/25 08:17:33 AM]: [ERROR] Failed to find first stage
[INFO][Bot #1][10/25 08:17:33 AM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at api.nul.h(yn:344)
    at api.nul.h(yn:88)
    at api.COM5.h(ai:26)
    at l.CON.h(ro:474)
    at api.auX.C(um:110)
    at j.CON.onLoop(qi:96)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bm:189)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)


That means the quest progress cannot be recognized. Was it previously started? Have you done any other quests on that account which aren't supported by the script? Have you done any diaries or miniquests?

On 10/25/2018 at 4:32 PM, yoloman1 said:

Can I have trial?

Not currently handling trials

On 10/26/2018 at 4:24 AM, copacouple said:

Would be nice to get up to barrows gloves | IE tons of easy/short/simple quests, lunar diplomacy, dream mentor.


or even all quests need for zerker pure, would definitely increase the value 10 fold.



also mountain daughter doesnt seem to want to work.. at all after starting.



every other quest so far has been okay.

What's printed in the logger when trying to start Mountain Daughter?

On 10/26/2018 at 7:44 AM, vertigo said:

Was wondering if there is a list of all items needed for all quests needed. Would be greatly appreciated for iron men accounts :)


Items change quite a lot but the easiest way to obtain them is to start the script, let it go open bank and open the logger, it will print the entire list of missing items (it will attempt to go to GE but you can just stop the script after it prints the item list)

15 hours ago, JustinGLX said:

i just bought the script and was wondering if you know about how much GP i will end up needing on a fresh account to be able to run all the quests? I have all the required skills to do them all, just wondering how much money i should be looking to transfer over in order to complete all the quests. No worries if you're not sure.

There are no fixed prices, they are grabbed off live online GE APIs, 1-2m should be enough even though it won't use most of it, it will set high prices for instant buy

Just now, CodeDdx said:


Mirror mode: NO

Low CPU mode: NO

Debug mode: NO

Command line parameters: NO

Multiple bots running in the same client: NO

Do you have tabs in your bank: NO

Quick start option: NONE

Quest: The Tourist Trap

Location: Start of Quest when teleporting with necklace of passage > goes to carpter flyer but their nobody there.

Have you done any desert diaries? Was the carpet guy supposed to be there?

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3 hours ago, rentico said:

aye man. this script is fkn awsome

any idea if your guna add more quests? if so what and when maybe? 

Yes, I think I'll have Dragon Slayer up in a few days, just ran a few tests on it and worked quite well but it will be supported only on P2P worlds for now because I coded it with antifire on Elvarg fight

16 minutes ago, copacouple said:

when it tries to start witches house quest, it just repeatedly talks to the witch (clicking on her after going through some of the dialogue, but doesnt start because it doesnt finish the dialogue)

Is that on mirror mode? It sounds like the old mirror mode bug with dialogues

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4 hours ago, Token said:


Mirror mode: NO

Low CPU mode: NO

Debug mode: NO

Command line parameters: NO

Multiple bots running in the same client: NO

Do you have tabs in your bank: NO

Quick start option: NONE

Quest: The Tourist Trap

Location: Start of Quest when teleporting with necklace of passage > goes to carpter flyer but their nobody there.

Desert diaries have not been done. I have no idea if there should be a carpet guy there.

Edited by CodeDdx
Wrong quote
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5 hours ago, Token said:

Yes, I think I'll have Dragon Slayer up in a few days, just ran a few tests on it and worked quite well but it will be supported only on P2P worlds for now because I coded it with antifire on Elvarg fight

Is that on mirror mode? It sounds like the old mirror mode bug with dialogues

it was not

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Hey for some reason I cant connect my gear setup with my quest setup when starting.  Says, "Lost city needs magic." even though I have a magic setup as the one I'm running but always does quests naked for some reason.  Any help on how to connect them?

1 minute ago, crayolla said:

Hey for some reason I cant connect my gear setup with my quest setup when starting.  Says, "Lost city needs magic." even though I have a magic setup as the one I'm running but always does quests naked for some reason.  Any help on how to connect them?

Just read first page, realized I'm an idiot.  Sorry about that! :D

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6 hours ago, Token said:

Yes, I think I'll have Dragon Slayer up in a few days, just ran a few tests on it and worked quite well but it will be supported only on P2P worlds for now because I coded it with antifire on Elvarg fight

Is that on mirror mode? It sounds like the old mirror mode bug with dialogues

shit yes that would be awsome.

i dont know why every one else it gettin erros tho because iv ran it on every quest so far and only hick ups iv had is todo with lagg issues.. great work man, you should be proud of this its quiet the master piece

37 minutes ago, BottedUnited89 said:

With mirror mode it seems to have trouble with animal magnetism, it did most of the quest but then banked everything and started acting as if the quest isn't even started, buying the items over again for the first part.

use stelth injection. miurror mode has issues with scrolling and the bot uses that... in mirror mode it gets stuck at bank because it cant scroll to see what items you have bought all ready etc.... at least for me... didnt work well on mirror but perfect on stealth


Edited by rentico
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On 10/26/2018 at 6:30 PM, Retweets said:

Unfortunately this script is completely broken. Haven't touched any bot/script in months (because I kept getting banned after using Stealth Quester), while playing legit on my pure. Last night I decided to bang out 5 quests using Stealth Quester. Woke up to a ban this morning. Not worth your money.

I've used this script on all of my bots and my accounts and I have not received a ban yet. What other bots are you using on your accounts?

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36 minutes ago, rentico said:

shit yes that would be awsome.

i dont know why every one else it gettin erros tho because iv ran it on every quest so far and only hick ups iv had is todo with lagg issues.. great work man, you should be proud of this its quiet the master piece

use stelth injection. miurror mode has issues with scrolling and the bot uses that... in mirror mode it gets stuck at bank because it cant scroll to see what items you have bought all ready etc.... at least for me... didnt work well on mirror but perfect on stealth


Ahh okay, I just have bad ban rates with stealth injection so I try to avoid it when I can.

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