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Stealth Quester


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On 2/9/2016 at 3:04 PM, Token said:

F2P/P2P: f2p quest, f2p location, p2p world

Stealth Injection/Mirror Mode: SI

CLI parameters: none

Number of bot tabs open in 1 client: 1

Number of clients running: 1

Operating system: W7 Ult.

Scripts previously ran in the same client session: 0

Attack style: Atk Fist

Quest: Goblin Diplomacy

Place where it happens: Top of wizard tower near draynor

Logger contents:

NFO][Bot #1][02/14 07:10:05 PM]: [DEBUG] Current quest: GOBLIN_DIPLOMACY
[INFO][Bot #1][02/14 07:10:05 PM]: [ERROR] Failed to find first stage
[INFO][Bot #1][02/14 07:10:05 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at api.nuL.F(li:254)
    at api.nuL.g(li:43)
    at api.cOm4.g(nf:353)
    at l.NUL.d(og:161)
    at api.CoN.g(gj:120)
    at j.nuL.onLoop(im:253)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(wh:281)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)


Goblin diplomacy had already been completed manually, I chose the quick start for all f2p quests. The loger filled with the ouput above.


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4 hours ago, Hairlines said:

Wow didn't know osbot had a quester with so much support wtf. Is it possible to be able to try this script out?

Authed :doge:

2 hours ago, Polymorphism said:


I am aware of a certain bug where it doesn't recognize Goblin Diplomacy as being complete but this only happens when people do it manually, and somehow do it differently than the script does. I have not yet figured out what people could do other than what the script does but if you figure out before me what you did during the quest that the script doesn't do, let me know

1 hour ago, whipz said:

This is a one off payment right ? (: if so buying it today !


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I have just purchased this script -- I have about 30 minutes of playing around and testing currently F2P quests and overall optimization...


I will update with any notable information! Bans, bugs, suggestions, ect.

It's off too an excellent start and i suggest everyone takes advantage of the discounted price.





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1 hour ago, HarmonyHaze said:

is there any chance i can get a coupon code for this script :( i cant afford 20$ but i am willing to pay for it!

I don't do anything sales related, but you can ask the admins instead

31 minutes ago, whipz said:

Vampire Quest is bugging up a little gets stuck talking to Dr he just keeps clicking on him when he says to get him a beer; if you do it manually he just walks back to do it ): i can lend you account to test

Are you sure you are not using mirror mode?

25 minutes ago, SofaKin said:

For f2p quests, how does the bot get its items? Needs starting gold to buy from ge? Gets the items manually?

Buys the items from GE so you need gp

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1 minute ago, Token said:

I don't do anything sales related, but you can ask the admins instead

Are you sure you are not using mirror mode?

Buys the items from GE so you need gp

100% im trying it a different way seeing if this works;

How i have encountered the bug so far is by just doing that one in the list or doing ftp im doing all now and it just skipped it seeing if it gets stuck again let you know

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Just now, whipz said:

Yeah man it keeps going back to bank now saying I dont have enough money to buy items when I have 60k left in bank /:

Well if it says you don't have enough money, that's definitely not enough, but if you think there are any bugs on Vampire Slayer take the time to complete the bug report template on the first post (must have logger contents) 

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