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Stealth Quester


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It seems to get stuck on rune mysteries. Idk if anyone else has had this problem, but it wouldn't talk to seridor correctly also it got stuck with the present for the magic shop. 

It sounds like you are using mirror mode. The mirror client itself is not functional right now when it comes to widget interactions so it won't ever click anything but the first option in every dialogue


Every time I start the script it sets my zoom to default zoom then stops the script, any fix to this? I got like 2 more quests that need done that your script can do (its worked flawlessly for the 38 other quests it does!)

Check the logger, it will print what the problem is. Possible causes include attempting to do Animal Magnetism when you don't have access to Morytania (by talking to Drezel after Priest in Peril) or you don't meet all the requirements for those quests

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