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Stealth Quester


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To everyone, there were only a couple of quests that didn't work for me after it "broke" one of them was "Fight arena" can't remember the other, but I think only 2-3 didn't work correctly. The main issue was the banking, cause if it wasn't in the first tab of your bank it wouldn't be able to find items, other then that it worked fine, the easiest solution was to collapse all the tabs and leave it like that until all quests finished.

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On 5/5/2018 at 4:12 PM, botter2011 said:

where do i buy this cant find on the store


On 5/6/2018 at 2:39 AM, opiv said:

This is no longer on my profile list? Please bring this back, it was my favorite script.



On 5/6/2018 at 4:38 PM, Tbigalo said:

Did it get removeD?


It's temporarily not in the store

On 5/6/2018 at 7:37 PM, brandonfw1 said:

ANy idea when it'll be readded token? would buy it instant lol

Not sure

9 hours ago, Raimuks said:

To everyone, there were only a couple of quests that didn't work for me after it "broke" one of them was "Fight arena" can't remember the other, but I think only 2-3 didn't work correctly. The main issue was the banking, cause if it wasn't in the first tab of your bank it wouldn't be able to find items, other then that it worked fine, the easiest solution was to collapse all the tabs and leave it like that until all quests finished.

Banking was fixed afaik, is it still not working?

4 hours ago, amanda87 said:

add me in sype pls 

What's your skype?

3 hours ago, siilentalk said:

Still buggy when buying items. Often just types the item in chatbox instead of in buy part of g .e. Also bought 15 air staffs 1 at a time.

How recent was this?

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14 hours ago, Token said:

Banking was fixed afaik, is it still not working?

18 hours ago, amanda87 said:

Since OSBOT v. 2.5.7 it works just fine for me, it'll scroll in the bank and everything. Have not tried to put items in different tabs though. Pirest in peril worked flawless for me, no issues with the key. Iirc tribal totem did bug for me. That one time I did Hazeel Cult where it didn't poison the food could also be due to something else, idk. If you watch it you're on the safe side, but most stuff works flawless.

I've completed almost every quest with this bot now, only missing RFD and a handful quests with reqs, my test account is @ 73 QP right now. This bot is awesome.. ❤️ 

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The script is having issues with Fight Arena.  (sorry forgot to grab the debug log).  It was spamming the webwalker location & the arrival (at the cell which holds the kid).  It had the khazard armor and it needed to go buy an ale to get the cell key.


RFD Cook subquest has trouble purchasing the rotten tomato thing from varrock, clicks on crate but doesn't purchase it, then tries to close the window and opens it again, but still doesn't purchase it. Logger spams:



[DEBUG] Executing stage: 0

[DEBUG] Executing stage: 0

[DEBUG] Executing stage: 0

[DEBUG] Executing stage: 0



Edited by Joliter
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