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Stealth Quester


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On 9/10/2017 at 0:44 AM, nandrolone said:

When will we know when it gets updated for shadow of the storm fix?

I believe I pushed the last update 3 days ago containing some fixes for recent game updates on Shadow of the Storm/RFD Evil Dave/Witch's House. I'm not sure if the developers approved it yet as the scripter pages have also been under maintenance. Have you been having any issues on any of those in the last 24 hours or so?

EDIT: The page is up, it seems like the update has been approved 2 days ago. Is there anything not working?

On 9/10/2017 at 1:10 AM, Faust said:

F2P/P2P: Ernest chicken

Stealth Injection/Mirror Mode: SI

Low CPU/No rendering mode: NIL

CLI parameters: NIL

Number of bot tabs open in 1 client: 1

Number of clients running: 1

Scripts previously ran in the same client session: nil

Number of bank tabs: 1

Quick start option used (or the quest list you created): f2p

Quest: ernest

Place where it happens: outside mansion

Logger contents: nil

Description: it got stuck between the trees that damages you, fixed by manually opening the door to the mansion

It's been known to be a webwalking bug for quite some time but I should be able to hardcode some temporary fixes to avoid waiting months for a client update. If you happen to remember next to which trees it got stuck let me know as this is quite hard to reproduce, I saw it happening once in about 20-30 accounts.

On 9/10/2017 at 8:49 AM, JontePuhh said:

Waterfall quest doesn't seem to work thanks

The Quest keep clicking on the Rope 

If you got any extra debug info please PM me/fill in the bug report template, it would greatly speed up the bug fixing process

23 hours ago, RichardH95 said:

how long is a trial mate? really looking to get this script, just got to get a few more stats!

24 hours

18 hours ago, RDM said:

@Token Love the script. Been using it for like 6 months now. Is there any chance that Digsite will be an option coming soon?

I haven't looked at it yet

8 hours ago, HCCraft2020 said:

is there any way to make it use the items that are in the bank already, cause I bought the items for the severals quests and it didn't use any of them, which is kind of annoying since I used over 10k for everything, now I know that's not a lot but its still wasted money

You can see the items it requires for every quest if you select it in the left list and then go to the last tab where some info is displayed (item requirements, quest requirements, skill requirements) for every quest. The script uses the items listed there, which may not be exactly what you bought, but if you buy them yourself then it will not attempt to buy more (assuming you own the correct quantity of each item).

On 9/9/2017 at 10:21 PM, ChampagneG0d said:


Could I try this script out? Trial would be appreciated!

Authed :doge:

On 9/10/2017 at 10:19 AM, honsu said:

may i test please :)

Authed :doge:

10 hours ago, sparkieguest94 said:

Hey can I please get a trial for this?

Authed :doge:

Edited by Token
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5 minutes ago, Maldesto said:

All updates have been pushed and are within 24 hours every day don't blame developers test your script or make a client bug report.

In the last month or so the updates were pushed slower, ask @Fruity if you don't believe me, he said he had been waiting 3 days on updates. I believe Zach was just very busy recently. And yes the update was approved within 24 hours as I said I pushed it 3 days ago and was approved 2 days ago. I didn't blame them for any bugs, I said I didn't know if they approved my bug fixes yet. The bugs were not caused by not testing the code, but by the recent game updates where jagex changed dialogues for Shadow of the Storm and the cat interactions which broke RFD Evil Dave.

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11 minutes ago, Token said:

In the last month or so the updates were pushed slower, ask @Fruity if you don't believe me, he said he had been waiting 3 days on updates. I believe Zach was just very busy recently. And yes the update was approved within 24 hours as I said I pushed it 3 days ago and was approved 2 days ago. I didn't blame them for any bugs, I said I didn't know if they approved my bug fixes yet. The bugs were not caused by not testing the code, but by the recent game updates where jagex changed dialogues for Shadow of the Storm and the cat interactions which broke RFD Evil Dave.


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Been using this script for a month now and I must say it did finish all quests almost flawless. Easiest mith gloves ever lol. I've been doing the quests on multiple accounts over the course of the month and I will be very happy if there are more quests coming. You got any plans or dates to look forward to?

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40 minutes ago, RichardH95 said:

Please can I have a trial ???

Authed :doge:

19 minutes ago, Swedens said:

Been using this script for a month now and I must say it did finish all quests almost flawless. Easiest mith gloves ever lol. I've been doing the quests on multiple accounts over the course of the month and I will be very happy if there are more quests coming. You got any plans or dates to look forward to?

Yes, will post a change log

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