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my dad went out to get beer a year ago and never came back, did he leave me or did he just get lost and is running his way back trying as hard as he can to find me? 








































Edited by Stripe
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help no grills.. how to? plz fren


If your ugly and incompetent you can do the following: dress better, work out, have good hygiene, put on some decent deodorant + cologne, and practice your social skills.


i have no friends


Go out and make some, join a club or activity your interesting in, go clubbing (get a fake id if your underage), go to festivals and other music events. You'll find that group of people eventually, trust me.


I have a wicked itch on my nads


Scratch them. If the itching persists after putting anti-itch cream do consider seeing a doctor.


my dad went out to get beer a year ago and never came back, did he leave me or did he just get lost and is running his way back trying as hard as he can to find me? 









































Don't worry m8 he's just looking for his cigarettes now.

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My dick is so big women are afraid of it and wont have sex with me. The ones that are brave enough die from severe blood loss upon penetration... cause it's that big. What do?


Dick size reduction surgery is your best option, or find some slut with a punani looser than a hobo's teeth. And lots of lube.

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Being totally serious now is that even a real thing? That was quite the image too now I can't get the image out of some barely toothless mouth.


I'm pretty sure it's real, we got the same thing for girls except for their boobs. I don't think any dude would go through with it though, you would probably end up losing some sensation down there cus of the nerve damage and stuff.


Think in the sense of circumcision. 

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