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Free VIP 14 days


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I'm giving away 14-day VIP passes for accounts with any of the following:


-Ancient Spellbook(@sikerim6155)

-Lunar Spellbook(@Muffins donated pass to @ikk)
-Necromancy Spellbook (I'm guessing this is some new Zeah thing?)


Post below and I'll private message. You may have a bank pin, but the spellbook MUST be active. 

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Thanks for the link Chicken.




I can't promise that the slot will still be open by tomorrow, I'd just keep tabs on this thread.


Btw by the looks of the current poll, there are gonna be a lot of teleport spells added to it too (and 1 or 2 others), just a heads up as they seem to be in a position of passing very easily

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