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Trying to create a method to send list items back and forth using their respective buttons.

				//---- button1 ----
				button1.setText("> Foes >");
				button1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
					public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
						if (!list1.isSelectionEmpty()) {
							list2.add(list1.getSelectedValue(), list1.getComponent(list1.getSelectedIndex()));

Tried this method. I know i'm doing something wrong because I have no idea what a component is and I couldn't find a method that didn't use components with Intellisense. Someone helppppp D:

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					//---- list1 ----
					list1.setModel(new DefaultListModel<String>() {
						private static final long serialVersionUID = 5147152121755459135L;
						String[] values = {
						public int getSize() { return values.length; }
						public String getElementAt(int i) { return values[i]; }

				//---- button1 ----
				button1.setText("> Foes >");
				button1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
					public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
						if (!list1.isSelectionEmpty()) {


If you use a GUI creation tool make sure you change all list models to DefaultListModel because most of them generate AbstractListModel which cannot be used properly. Also adding items to a JList is done via adding the respective item to its list model.



What do you think would be a good method to handle this?

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Proper list code




Properly using it




In your snippet, what is core.removeComplexTask(list.getSelectedIndex());


Also why isn't it letting me reference addValues()? Sorry for the needing spoonfeeding I just came back from a long break trying to figure it all out again and I hate GUIs. I still can't seem to get it to add a value to the list.

Edited by Paradox68
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In your snippet, what is core.removeComplexTask(list.getSelectedIndex());


Also why isn't it letting me reference addValues()? Sorry for the needing spoonfeeding I just came back from a long break trying to figure it all out again and I hate GUIs. I still can't seem to get it to add a value to the list.

You dont need to change anything to the addValues() method. Use it as I wrote it. Put all values in the String[] above that. Ignore core related code because that snippet is just an implementation of JFrame in my scripts and the core stuff is not related to OSBot API. Was meant to show how the listmodel.add and listmodel.remove methods work.

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Tried this method. I know i'm doing something wrong because I have no idea what a component is and I couldn't find a method that didn't use components with Intellisense. Someone helppppp D:


I recommend that you learn how to do these basic Swing tasks without a GUI builder, before using a GUI builder



Just create two JList<String>  intialised with DefaultListModel<String>   and then use model.addElement  and model.remove:

String[] friends = { "Noob1", "Noob2", "Noob3", "Noob4" };

DefaultListModel<String> friendsModel = new DefaultListModel<>();
for(String friend : friends){ friendsModel.addElement(friend); }
JList<String> friendsList = new JList<>(friendsModel);

DefaultListModel<String> foesModel = new DefaultListModel<>();
JList<String> foesList = new JList<>(foesModel);

JButton addFoe = new JButton("> Foes >");
addFoe.addActionListener(e -> {

    for(int i : friendsList.getSelectedIndices())

JButton addFriend = new JButton("< Friends <");
addFriend.addActionListener(e -> {

    for(int i : foesList.getSelectedIndices())
Edited by Explv
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I recommend that you learn how to do these basic Swing tasks without a GUI builder, before using a GUI builder



Just create two JList<String>  intialised with DefaultListModel<String>   and then use model.addElement  and model.remove:

String[] friends = { "Noob1", "Noob2", "Noob3", "Noob4" };

DefaultListModel<String> friendsModel = new DefaultListModel<>();
for(String friend : friends){ friendsModel.addElement(friend); }
JList<String> friendsList = new JList<>(friendsModel);

DefaultListModel<String> foesModel = new DefaultListModel<>();
JList<String> foesList = new JList<>(foesModel);

JButton addFoe = new JButton("> Foes >");
addFoe.addActionListener(e -> {

    for(int i : friendsList.getSelectedIndices())

JButton addFriend = new JButton("< Friends <");
addFriend.addActionListener(e -> {

    for(int i : foesList.getSelectedIndices())



Thank you. I've solved the list building issues but you wouldn't happen to know why my script closes itself instantly after starting? Would you be able to help me for a minute on it because I can't find any explanation. SOMETIMES the script will run and the GUI will build, majority of the time it instantly exits script and says Error at onStart(). I only have the GUI opening method in onStart so I know it's the UI class but I can't imagine why.. 0 errors and 0 warnings.

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