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Your stance on legalizing all drugs?


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Legalize? Yes

Regulate? No


Even if we legalize it by regulating it the price will increase and there will be an incentive to buy from the gangs on the black market which bypass those regulations.

Crime/gang activity as a result of the drug war might decrease substantially if we legalize all drugs but it wont be gone for good until government gets it's hands out of the matter completely.

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Yes, legalizing them in my opinion is the most logical thing that could happen with drugs. I think the biggest benefit that could come from it is addicts no longer being treated as criminals, being thrown in jail to inevitably repeat the cycle. Instead, if people face addiction and wish to turn their lives around they can be a lot more open about it and aren't metaphorically alone in their battle. But yeah just my 2 cents, I'm doing drugs whether they're legal or not :doge:

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I think drugs can be legal. The thing is, here in The Netherlands, we have alot of dealers who deals XTC, 2CB etc etc.

When drugs are legalized, the drugs will be made in a certified lab. And sold in drug shops. That would make the drugs industry alot safer. 


On the other note: Drugs are not bad if you know how to handle them. I've done XTC, mushrooms, alcohol and weed. (Not at the same time tho). Only tried each drug off the above once in my life. It was fun, but not worth it.

Edited by OSRS Sebastian
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i do drugs all the time, if you know how to do them right they arent a problem. I stand for legalization, regulation will increase both quality and price, so im not sure where i stand on that.


Most people don't have the self control to moderate drug usage. Plus most people who get introduced into this lifestyle already have an addictive personality/mindset, so even the term "drugs" gives a bad stigma behind it and people who aren't educated about the topic will just be plain ignorant and spew bullshit about topics they have no idea about.


That being said if drugs were to get legalized anytime soon I'd go on the biggest bender and probably overdose within the first hour.

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