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Perfect Thiever AIO


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Hmm ardy knights are working flawlessly for me, even banking ohmy.png Make sure to switch between the walking systems in the setup interface ^^ biggrin.png




Good luck everybody, deadman mode tournament is released, deadman gold is very profitable right now (dmm -> osrs) wink.png

He meant when u go to the Ardounge Castle it won't return to ardounge castle after bank

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Im interested in this script, just wondering if it works with mirror mode for rogues chest or whatever the other mode is. If it does I would like a trial and I will let you know when to start it.

gotta hide my xp and levels but i used with mirror mode and script is amazing, czar is truly an amazing scripter idk how he does it!









wait i know how he does it, @@Czar

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@rainbow a user suggested that it's better to bank when inventory full, but I will disable that feature if banking is not enabled ^^ biggrin.png update coming up


As for beep at rogues castle, re-added, should be back on the script in v1.07 of the bot ^^ biggrin.png, within a few hours...

I still don't hear pker alert @ rogues castles :s If u don't add it just tell me? no need to lie... 

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