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Banned if not botting?


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Hi guys just wanted to ask a question about botting and actually being legit.


If you have 2 accounts, one that you dont bot with and the other that is basically pure bot can you get both banned?


I play my main on osbuddy client but always have osbot active botting an alt. Can the main be banned alongside the other one simply from being played with the same IP or does it have to be caught botting.

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You will NOT get banned on an account that you're not botting on. Ip flagged or not. You will not get banned on an account that you play legit on if you have never botted on it.


The reason why they don't is because they can not assume that there is only one person in a house hold. That's completely unreasonable to assume that the person botting the account is the same person that plays legit on another account.

Edited by jackshow
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