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Cruel's Farewell


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Recently my main OSB acc (Cruel) was banned as Gebotter gained access to the password due to the fact that I used the same password on his website before I left his project. I simply forgot to change it after, and he used my account to scam one of the members on here. Even though I'm working to resolve the issue with the affected vitim, I'm not going to be returning here anymore. I feel I haven't done anything but good for the community here and in return haven't recieved the best treatment through this. It was a mistake, and now I'm getting treated like just another criminal. Thanks to those who gave me some enjoyment here, and those who I consider my friends. Good luck to you all.

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  • Administrator

Not going to get sympathy, you are liable for the scam, we can't give you a cookie for being hacked and getting innocent members scammed. Sorry you feel this way, appeal accounts aren't allowed to post outside the appeal section.

I also can't find any where that a staff member or member was rude towards you. We respect that you are trying to pay back, and look forward to your return. You are an excellent member of OSBot.

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