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[Stable] OSBot 2.3.81 - Multi-patch and Security Update


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Normally we would release this as a development build for some time, but there are many bugs fixed and there are a few security patches we feel are important to the integrity of botters, scripters, and our service. In addition to the increased security, many of the bot features which degraded over the last week have been restored including world hopping, a completely re-written chatbox, grand exchange, and much more.

Added check to advertisement for input
Updated AutoLogin event
Removed unused optimization checks
Updated Modeled getHeight()
Patched and updated Chatbox API
Removed Hitsplats
Removed Map distance(Entity)
Removed Map distance(GroundItem)
Removed Map walk(...)

AccountLoader usernames/passwords protected by encryption
Added checks to InteractionEvent for Equipment/Inventory Destinations
Patched issue with EntityAPI stemming from Map
Small visual update to HoverDebug/MouseDebug
Updated getSuitablePoint for closer grouping

Patched Worlds API
-Added functionality to population, isFull()
Patched Chatbox isVisible()

Hotfix to GrandExchange API

Miscellaneous fixes

Known issues:
-Interacting with certain widget destinations
-Resizable mode (short-term fix will be a random event)

Have a great weekend
-The OSBot Staff

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