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Where did my VIP go?


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Hey so i was just wondering what happened to my VIP? I had it for one month and then for the second reoccuring month I payed for it on June 19th, i should still have it its only june 28th lol. If any mods or anything want to see proof of my payment here is a picture. VIp%20paymenyt_zpso1sfiavn.png


Im not going to lie i did try to do a dispute because i was done botting after the first month but now that i found out i couldnt get my money back i've decided might aswell get my moneys worth. If any mods or admins need any further information please comment or add me on skype: Exploadedboy


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  On 6/28/2015 at 4:22 PM, Maldesto said:

If you attempt a chargeback, which you did, it gets refused. smile.png Next time pay for what you buy and stop trying to scam us.


I mean he said that the -$9.99 was never given back to him.. yes he may have disputed but he never got his money back. I always thought only if the appeal was successful and he got his money back then ofc he shouldnt get VIP back bc he didnt pay for it.

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  On 6/28/2015 at 4:32 PM, Mystical said:

I mean he said that the -$9.99 was never given back to him.. yes he may have disputed but he never got his money back. I always thought only if the appeal was successful and he got his money back then ofc he shouldnt get VIP back bc he didnt pay for it.


He tried to scam OSbot...

If he asked and told them he just didn't want it recurring they most likely would of refunded. It's good customer service.

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