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Perfect Miner AIO


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Hiya! Just wanted to give you some feedback after using it for about 4 days now.


It seems to work pretty well in Al-Kharid, but it should prefer (if using upper al-kharid) to use the iron ore with the 3 stones, not the 2. 

Also, could you make the possibility to select multiple type of ores, for example for Al-Kharid, to mine either gold and mithril and coal, and some kind of priority list? 


For barbarian village, it for some reason click-spams the rock, even though that option is disabled. It got 2 of my accounts banned (gold farmings, just lost 2k of coal ore which is too bad). 
And it get stuck walking BACK from the bank quite often actually, and then I have to most often restart the bot, and then it works. 

Hopefully you can do something with this feedback, let me know if you need more info!


EDIT: Seems to do this at Varrock East as well. Only locations I tried to mine and bank, didn't do it when powermining actually.
Could you please check it out? As it gigantically increases ban rate, thank you! 

Edited by Florius
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When mining runite ore in the heroes guild, the world hopper makes you log out because it hops way too fast.

Could you get an option for delayed hopping when mining runite ore? Once you get logged once you basically hit a brick wall where the script keeps logging itself because it tries to hop too fast.

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I already added an update for the spam clicking and walking system, but still waiting for the latest version to go live sad.png Latest version is: v84


The previous updates were:


- Added an improvement to all walking systems except OSBot webwalker (it is not in my control, that walker should be working flawlessly after today's client update though)

- Reduced timer after clicking a rock (non spam-click)


and most recently


- Added a delay for world hopping, including a world hop counter so if the count reaches too high, the delay will be greater


update will be live any moment now biggrin.png




Even in v83 (current version) the script does not spam click, perhaps you selected spam click option by accident? I selected 'Normal click' and the script is working perfectly fine, no spam click whatsoever..




But no worries, in v84 (latest version) the script delay is even higher so it should be good ^^ :D

Edited by Czar
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