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Perfect Miner AIO


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Seems to have a few minor issues with mining gold in the crafting guild.

Far north east gold rock and south east rock it just spam clicks till the rock is mined.

Despite being set to bank EAST Falador it wants to go west anyway.

Rarely it will just decide to not path to the crafting guild door and just sits by the wall trying to mine through the wall. (i think that was with an alternative walker)


Using latest client, mirror mode, screen mode.

Banking set to nearest goes all the way to west bank, banking set to east goes to west bank, banking set to west goes to west bank

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If the walking ever bugs out, try the next walking option, I added 4 walking options just in case anything happens. Atm OSBot webwalker does the agility shortcut near falador wall but it also uses teleports so I just use the next one (next-gen walker) and if that ever messes up I use the old walker which has been working for months. I don't even think it supports some areas which require doors. (but the other walking options do)


Lemme know how the other walking options go, I will be fixing any bugs if necessary smile.png

Edited by Czar
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If the walking ever bugs out, try the next walking option, I added 4 walking options just in case anything happens. Atm OSBot webwalker does the agility shortcut near falador wall but it also uses teleports so I just use the next one (next-gen walker) and if that ever messes up I use the old walker which has been working for months. I don't even think it supports some areas which require doors. (but the other walking options do)


Lemme know how the other walking options go, I will be fixing any bugs if necessary smile.png

where does it bank for the runite in wildy

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my suicide miner got banned last night (i took risk w.e there) i just want to point out a few things i saw the bot do which may or may not of lead to it. in all instances i tried all 4 walkers and each one would do it.


when walking back from mining guild to bank, it would click near the bank and hover over the banker, this would continue until I personally clicked inside the bank or moved the camera so the roof would not be visable and the bot would continue.

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Alright I will add an update to make the bot open the bank more accurately, update coming up ^^ biggrin.png


As for botting, transfer gold every 24 hours, expect bans (if suicide botting) the strategy is to expect bans but transfer gold in a timely manner.


I'm surprised that suicide accounts reached mining guild level, but nevertheless I will add some updates and perhaps they will increase the antiban ^^ biggrin.png

Edited by Czar
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I have been using this script for a bit and had dialog with you in private. The script is really good and the anti-ban IMO is good, havent experienced a banking issue. If you don't suicide, which I am, I don't think I would see a ban using this smartly. The only issues I have ran into is with the webwalking, I personally now use Osbot webwalking on v.59, I have the option for roofs to be disabled, and I don't ever use spam click and I don't select a bank, I leave it to nearest and ofcourse use screenmode. When I would play around with spam click, picking bank, and using beta walking, I ran into issues of it getting stuck in odd places, that has since stopped after making my changes. Again I have only mined 2 spots, clay in Varrock and Coal in Lumby west. 1 thing though I did notice last night as I tried to mine Mith in Lumby west, and have it hop worlds, it would accidentally from time to time log me out while trying to hop worlds, and then, it wouldn't auto log back in, v.59 of osbot(i think there is an error with auto login on .60, just thought Id mention that). So I just stopped world hopping, and decided to mine coal and mith at the same time.


Edited by Joster
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thank you for feedback, it is now friday so if anybody plans on goldfarming they should start right now ^^ :D


As for login handler, don't worry the developers will fix it, atm a few other scripters have posted a bug report in the client bug section on the osbot quickhop system they said it was bugged sometimes etc but it should be back to normal soon

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