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Perfect Miner AIO


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  On 11/13/2018 at 12:44 AM, martinc said:

Update: Pretty sure this has to do with the mirror client. It has been making me go from 50fps to 30ish and it drops and creates lag. Is there any way you can add a low resource option like you have on the Perfect Fighter?


I made two accounts specifically to test two different scripts (Perfect Miner and Perfect Fisher). The one using Perfect Miner was banned, the other was not. I did not use any other script on this account. Same for the other account.

But again as mentioned in another post, I had it set to 1000ms refresh on mirror mode instead of 100ms. I'm still not convinced this is the reason it was banned though. I'm going to start a new alt and try 100ms to see if it gets banned. Bear in mind, I watch these accounts like a hawk on a second monitor to make sure nobody starts talking to me. They are never left unattended.


Edited by redrum1987
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I've been using the script for a while it and seems pretty solid! I did have 1 suggestion that I think a lot of people would like: rock priority. What I do is manually select both coal and iron rocks to mine, and for the most part the script will mine the coal and then go to iron since it spawns quicker, but sometimes it'll just stay at iron and never go to coal. It would be awesome if you could add some to prioritize mining the highest available rock that was selected? Let me know what you think!

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Will be adding priority system in the upcoming versions :D Thanks for the great idea :D

New Update (v116)

- Pathwalking improved ALOT, stability greatly increased!
- Added custom standing tile: hit F7 key to choose tile (make sure you are standing on your tile)
- Improvements to essence mining

Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys :D Got some more updates on the way, stay tuned :D 

Edited by Czar
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