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Perfect Magic AIO


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unlucky mate :( all you had to do was bot in GE underneath all the 1000 users and you wouldn't have gotten caught :( use mirror mode next time, and go in highly populated worlds

I alched in w2 ge constantly and mirror mode.

Realy strange got directly ban?

The script has no anti ban like checking xp etc

Just clicks on alchs

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I told you, anti-ban = ban. my script makes use of antipattern to not look like a bot


a typical bot would check xp every 5-10 minutes, even jagex knows that. this would form a pattern over time


in fact the mousehandler is pretty nice, apart from the occasional misclicks, because it operates exactly as a human would, the only way you got caught


- botting in bad time

- botting too much

- got caught from previous scripts ,delayed ban

- obvious botting, you were sniped by jmod


other than that it couldn't be anything else, because mirror is undetectable, so just bot smart and you will be fine

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I want to get 94 mage now and I am debating what would be the best way to get it. I feel alching would be least bannable, but most expencive. Has anyone tried using curse to get their mage up? For 85-94, it only cost about 1mil but I feel like it would be pretty easy to get caught. But then again so is range guild or camping non stop at experiments. Any thought before I go for it? :)

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Im having a similar issue.. i just bought this script but when I start it to go alching.. it presses on alching and than logs out and exits.. the ankous script is atm not working too.. something up?


make sure you write every item as to what it is on runescape its very case sensitive and space 


you cant put magiclongbow


eg it would be Magic longbow

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