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Perfect Magic AIO


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I just pushed another update, 


I removed stun-alch and made a whole new list for curse + alch combinations, so you can cast any spell with alch


also, if anybody has banking issues due to Enter Amount interface, just make sure your withdraw-(number) is set to how much you are going to withdraw, e.g. if I need mithril ore I must manually withdraw 14 so that it saves the option 'withdraw-14'


this is due to client bug which I can't control, it's fixed in osbot .73 (next version)

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For some reason it doesn't stun anymore(stunning only, no stun+alch). I tried it @ the bear at varrock yews and at the monk of zamorak but it'll cast 1 spell on it and then it just stands there. I've restarted my client twice but it doesn't seem to solve my problem. Few hours ago stun alching was working perfect.. ohmy.png


EDIT: It's working now, it clicks pretty slow on the NPC though, is that because of mirror mode?

Edited by Flax_
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