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ProCrystalKey [Crystal Key/Crystal Chest Opener] - by Rumb


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1. Have your home set in Taverly

2. Have Home teleport tabs in bank

3. Have keys in bank

4. Have ring's of dueling in bank (any charges)

5. Start script in Castle Wars bank




This is a bot I whipped up in about 2h's for my own personal use, pretty basic but 100% working script which basically takes 8 keys in your inventory, a teleport to house tab, and a ring of dueling if you don't have one on right then. Then it teleports to your house, exit's it in Taverly, walks to the crystal chest and uses the key's on the chests. Currently drops junk runes, swordfish and eats spinach rolls


Remember guys this is something I just whipped up in a total of 2 hours, let me know if you want anything changed in the script/any bugs biggrin.png


Happy Chest Opening QwPha8E.png







Source Code


Change Log:
Version 1.0
 - Initial Release
Version 1.1
 - Fixed Ring glitch and portal glitch, also fixed walking to chest glitch. Finally fixed chest count number glitch
Version 1.2
 - Finally fixed portal glitch
Edited by Rumb
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Thanks for the script, even though I don't see myself using it, it's always nice with a lot of scripts on OSBot. Makes us grow! :)


This shouldn't be free... Nevertheless thanks for the release bud smile.png

Why not? It's not a goldfarming script or anything.


Original ^^



How many keys do you need to profit from

You don't. Keys are 24k, d-stones are 17k. Maybe if you get really lucky with the drops from chest you could possibly break even. But it's a gamble.

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Thanks for the script, even though I don't see myself using it, it's always nice with a lot of scripts on OSBot. Makes us grow! smile.png


Why not? It's not a goldfarming script or anything.




You don't. Keys are 24k, d-stones are 17k. Maybe if you get really lucky with the drops from chest you could possibly break even. But it's a gamble.

I did 250 keys last night, made 700k and took 40m, depending on luck for example in one key you could get 3 rune bars at 15k each, 45k profit from 1 key or you can get spinach which is a 6k loss

Thanks for the script, even though I don't see myself using it, it's always nice with a lot of scripts on OSBot. Makes us grow! smile.png


Why not? It's not a goldfarming script or anything.




You don't. Keys are 24k, d-stones are 17k. Maybe if you get really lucky with the drops from chest you could possibly break even. But it's a gamble.

I just bought 200 keys for 5m, ill post a screenshot later and add up the profits/loss's

Update #1

BUGS: Counting # of chests is wrong if computer is laggy


Change Log:
Version 1.0
 - Initial Release
Version 1.1
 - Fixed Ring glitch and portal glitch, also fixed walking to chest glitch. Finally fixed chest count number glitch
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