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Fruity NMZ


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as a pure what should i train with nmz abosorption or prayer


always use abs

Script isn't really working at the moment, even with the setting turned on it doesn't attack while idling and gets logged out of the game. This makes the script insanely detectable.


working fine for me

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A couple of quick questions before I buy smile.png

I've done quite a lot of quests, should I use hosts/ do people still host?

Does this support void/blowpipe?

Do I need a lot of prayer pots or is it mostly absorbs/ ovls?

Thanks smile.png


Blowpipe yes.

If you have done alot of quests, it is highly recommended to pay for a host.

You need prayer pots if you choose that method, with void im sure absorptions would be the better option.


A trial is optional if you would like to try.

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*Click to find in SDN*







Quickly Written up a guide. tell me if something is wrong or if you want to help improve it.


Requirements are in my opinion for it to be good 70/70 attack/strength but i'm usually lazy/impatient and start at 60/60 attack/strength. 


To get inside the dreams you need at least 5 quests for certain dreams.


MTD Dreams:

Mountain Daughter,

Lost City,

Vampier Slayer,

Tree Gnome Village,

Fight Arena.


Demon Dreams:

The Grand Tree,

Lost City,

Vampire Slayer,

Tree Gnome Village,

Fight Arena.


For inventory it depends on what stats you have and what method you decided to use.


Absorption Method:

Absorption is the cheapest method to do but requires a tiny bit extra work as you need to do few more quests for a dwarven rock cake. (Fishing Contest, Cooks Assistant, Partly done Dwarf part of RFD). You will also need 22 Prayer for prayer Flicking.


Inventory (x amounts are dependant on stats):

x amount of absorption potions

x amount of overload potions

Coins(If paying for your dreams)

Dwarven Rock Cake

Special Attack Weapon (If you are using one).


Prayer Method:

Prayer is the more expensive method to do as you need to pay for the prayer potions and just requires the 5 quests + 43 Prayer for protect from melee.


Inventory (x amounts are dependant on stats):

x amount of prayer potions

x amount of overload potions

Coins(If paying for your dreams)

Special Attack Weapon (If you are using one).


hey bought your script tongue.png can u give me it whilst they approve it. bought over 20 scripts dont worry(not lying).






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hey bought your script tongue.png can u give me it whilst they approve it. bought over 20 scripts dont worry(not lying).







Added, sorry about the delay, bet im too slow :(

Keep getting "null" when i load up invy....it works sometimes and sometimes it gives me null error. deleted jagex cache and osbot folder and redownloaded it. same issue. it works sometimes and sometims "null" and doesnt load invy and doesnt drink .. -.-


D: have you tried starting script with inventory open? im not too sure about this one as i havnt had this issue :/

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