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Fruity NMZ


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12 hours ago, iamnotabotter said:

Thanks for this, went from 55k/hour with DH to 70k an hour switching to this setup.. plus I don't have to repair it. Any advice on a boss list? What's your average exp/hour?

MTD customizable hard with 70/80/70 getting around 68k xp/hr in strength 

9 hours ago, iamnotabotter said:

How are you gaining that much exp/hour? I'm getting 70k or so an hour.

Probably a high HP account with Dharoks or using ranged which can get high in XP too

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15 hours ago, xzythepure said:

Hey bro, just bought this script. set it to use mtd quests but it just selects the bosses and stays on that screen forever lol.. what's wrong?

What boss is it failing to select?

12 hours ago, Notorious Savage said:

Hey, I purchased this script awhile ago and have used it for months, but it disappeared from my script list and now its saying I need to purchase it again?

Please advise, thanks!

If you had purchased the script, you should still have it,

check here: https://osbot.org/forum/clients/purchases/

1 minute ago, dragonite3000 said:

Fruity, I am going to buy this. also, was wondering for my 1 prayer what settings do you think I should use.

Rock cake with overload + absorption, might be to do a few dreams manually to get some points

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17 minutes ago, bravirem said:

Hi Fruity I have a suggestion.

When the health gets regenerated to 2 or 3, it eats the rock cake INSTANTLY. This looks a bit suspicious in my opinion. Would it be possible to add a random sleep between 1 and 10sec after the health hits the min/max rock cake hp?

hmmms, think this is on me list of things to do. leme see how laid out and see how much id have to change. 1 mo

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5 minutes ago, Fruity said:

hmmms, think this is on me list of things to do. leme see how laid out and see how much id have to change. 1 mo

Any chance you could look at the missclick which occurs when starting the account and it goes to get potions from the barrel? Will often run around the outside before realising and running back.

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1 minute ago, Impensus said:

Any chance you could look at the missclick which occurs when starting the account and it goes to get potions from the barrel? Will often run around the outside before realising and running back.

first idea that comes to mind is just checking getMap().getDestination -> break sleep if running outside. that should fix that. give us 2mins

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17 hours ago, xzythepure said:

Hey bro, just bought this script. set it to use mtd quests but it just selects the bosses and stays on that screen forever lol.. what's wrong?

You probably haven't unlocked all 5 bosses in the "mtd" setup. Use custom and select 5 yourself or unlock the mtd bosses.

15 hours ago, isaacdoge said:

grab gear only item i can pick is whip .

Grab gear just detects the weapon you're currently wearing which is probably a whip...

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3 hours ago, Fruity said:

first idea that comes to mind is just checking getMap().getDestination -> break sleep if running outside. that should fix that. give us 2mins

The missclick seems to occur during the camera event due to the bot attempting to click on the barrel or the area nearby as soon as it comes into view. It probably would help if a conditional sleep was added of some sort to prevent the bot clicking straight away?

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1 hour ago, Impensus said:

The missclick seems to occur during the camera event due to the bot attempting to click on the barrel or the area nearby as soon as it comes into view. It probably would help if a conditional sleep was added of some sort to prevent the bot clicking straight away?

will double check how the script is interacting, if its using the standard .interact method to change to what im using for most other interactions

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