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Fruity NMZ


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4 hours ago, Juggles said:

If you manually restock you'll never get banned. I've botted 4 high level mains in nmz doing this 

If you manually restock you'll never get banned. I've botted 4 high level mains in nmz doing this 

Yes, because the bot running 15 tiles is going to make a huge difference in ban rate :wacko:

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15 hours ago, mamo4us said:

@Fruity The script fails to use rock to get back to 1 hp after you run out of Overloads, is there a simple fix for this?

I've run into this a few times, had to manually fix, not sure how often it happens when I'm not at home though..

6 minutes ago, Nintendo Switch said:

is it worth buying this to trian my dh pure? seeing alot of negative comments

I'd say it's still worth it, script could just use a few improvements tho.

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6 hours ago, s7ty said:

wish i read the thread before buying wont make that mistake again, very buggy.. doesnt re enter nmz just sits on monster selection screen, doesnt rockcake down on first overload just sits at 40 hp

Try this:


On 7/3/2017 at 9:13 PM, Phaibooty said:

Switch your "Quest/Minigame teleport" tab to the quest tab. Not sure exactly, but i think it detects which quests you have completed. 


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This is one of my fav scripts.
Got lots of accounts to 80-90 stats and beyond.

Only lately its been buggy sometimes i take an overload and it does not rock cake down. wastes 26k basically because u dont get enough points.

And i a weird bug where it banked weapons and only equiped spec wep ( g maul ) and kept spamming special without the power up.

Apart from this its an awesome script which works perfect this just needs to be fixed.

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First 99 with script, I think I started botting at 80/80/80, i'm 90/99/90 now






Bug I have noticed:

Script doesn't properly rock cake at some points, I'll randomly check on my bot & see that it is sitting at 44 HP with Overload already going, so runs end up being short. I see this at least once a day, but I'm afk for ~12 hours, so I'm sure it happens fairly often.


Edited by Mikasa
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