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Some things just aren't meant to be.


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@Acerd being puked on is one of them. He's way above that and mald.png just puked on him and Acerd is so happy about it for some reason.

Now the world will end.

The lights will flicker on and off.

Volcanoes will erupt.

People will die.

Plants will wither away.

The phone will ring and there will be no one there.

Oceans will dry up.

The sun will rise from the other West.


Judaism will be the right religion that gets into heaven.

Blacks and Whites will swap names of their rallies (Black Panthers and KKK).

Anonymous will get arrested.

The walls will ooze green slime.

And that slime will then overtake ever person who has unfortunately not died yet, making them all CBA's.

mald.png , this is what happens when Acerd is CBA.

Please demote and give to someone much more deserving, like @Dex, or @Divinity, or @Mysteryy.

Please and thanks.





Edited by RoomScape
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@Acerd being puked on is one of them. He's way above that and mald.png just puked on him and Acerd is so happy about it for some reason.

Now the world will end.

The lights will flicker on and off.

Volcanoes will erupt.

People will die.

Plants will wither away.

The phone will ring and there will be no one there.

Oceans will dry up.

The sun will rise from the other West.


Judaism will be the right religion that gets into heaven.

Blacks and Whites will swap names of their rallies (Black Panthers and KKK).

Anonymous will get arrested.

The walls will ooze green slime.

And that slime will then overtake ever person who has unfortunately not died yet, making them all CBA's.

mald.png , this is what happens when Acerd is CBA.

Please demote and give to someone much more deserving, like @Dex, or @Divinity, or @Mysteryy.

Please and thanks.





stfu Acerd4cba He deserve it <3 

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